The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 65


And here's how we see the process evolving on H1 --- with projections for n=[1,2,3,4] steps ahead.





And test the theory in practice ;)))


At 12 noon terminal time, we observe this development:

and the expected continuation:



I see your monitoring has already been verified by practice, it's gone. What's wrong with it?

I missed it.


After another 12 hours, i.e. at 0 o'clock on Friday terminal time, the picture is as follows:

and the expected continuation:




End of Friday - time to close up

Result = 1283 pt.


Why don't you do a proper test in some matlab, with representative statistics? You'll be doing this for 100 years... (sorry, no offense :))


Why don't you do a proper test in some matlab, with representative statistics? You'll be doing this for 100 years... (sorry, no offense :))

Tests are carried out as needed -- hit-and-miss, so to speak ;)))

But a test cannot, and should not, replace practice. (no offense :))


Did the monitoring.


Well, for those of you who are worried about the lack of monitoring... - get busy instead of idle "worries"


What's with the demo? With the amount of time you've been tractoring, it's long past time to skin the forex sharks.