The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 291


Может им просто богатство не нужно, они не получают от него удовольствие. Кайф получают только от занятий математикой. 

An example is Perelman.
He is either just about to or has alreadyleft for Sweden.
Maybe they just don't need wealth, they don't enjoy it. They only get high from doing maths. Perelman is an example.

That's right. The main thing is that they're rich at heart, the buzzkill.


That's right. The main thing is that they are rich in spirit, the buzzards.

And I understand them a little bit. I myself preferred not to work where the pay was higher, but where the work was more interesting.

What if there is no spread?

p.s. And most importantly, without being flippant in this case, said it like he cut it off.

That's right! How else?

The spread has nothing to do with it, even if it is there. It just goes into the maths when you calculate it...

It does not matter who gives, the main thing is to distribute it))))

Folder is a masculine noun. If I'm going to eat, I'm going to eat a folder. :))))

The dictionary says that alsu is right.

That's right! How else?...

The spread has nothing to do with it, even if it is there. It just goes into the maths when you calculate it...

It does not matter who gives, the main thing is to distribute it))))

Have you learned how to allocate the spread?
And I understand them a little. I myself preferred not to work where the pay was higher, but where the work was more interesting.

So does Perelman, where the work is more interesting.

The dictionary says alsu is right.
Who's to say? I mean the folder that Cook was ...
Who's arguing? I'm talking about the folder that was Cook...

I think Cook was eaten by the Aborigines.

I think the aborigines ate the kook.

Did I say anything about non-Aboriginal people?

"Folder is a masculine noun. If I'm gonna eat, I'm gonna eat a folder. :))))"