The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 295


Thank you. I'll keep my eyes open.

But still, I'd like to hear some lively feedback...



Thank you for the information. I will have a look.
We've had a great summer, and now it's time to work in the fields and harvest the crops.

The tractor is already out in the field to harvest the crop !

The grateful spectators can not only rejoice at the achievements of the native tractor-building, but also vote with joy ;))) - here.


Currency swaps in the modern world. Birth of global currency cartel

Author - Valentin Katasonov

Today the topic of currency swaps (currency exchange transactions) has become one of the most important media topics. Almost every month we read about currency swap agreements between countries. The total number of such agreements in the world is in the dozens.

Read in full:новости/валютные-свопы-сегодня-рождение-глобального-валютного-картеля/


Currency swaps in the modern world. Birth of global currency cartel

Author - Valentin Katasonov

Today the topic of currency swaps (currency exchange transactions) has become one of the most important media topics. Almost every month we read about currency swap agreements between countries. The total number of such agreements in the world is in the dozens.

Read in full:новости/валютные-свопы-сегодня-рождение-глобального-валютного-картеля/

It is clear that the capitalists of the west pump developing countries with paper in the form of reserves, and their populations as savings, and in return taking away the products of labor and raw materials for their own production. It is a shameless rip-off of nothing more. The majority of people do not understand this, and governments are unable or unwilling to protect themselves from this outrage.


Maybe it is an indiscreet question, but it is a well-publicized project and I would like to know what is going on with tractors? These are bad times. God forbid, they have been bombed or shelled. There have been no updates for a long time. Uncertainty is plaguing us like an underwatched movie:)


This may be an immodest question, but it is a well publicised project and I would like to know what is going on with the tractors. Times have been hard. God forbid they get bombed or shelled. There have been no updates for a long time. Uncertainty is plaguing us like an underwatched movie:).

Well you can consider that in these dashing times the tractors have fallen into a trap :(

But with the New Year the tractors go on the offensive on all fronts ;)


Happy New Year !

And may the New Year 2015 bring us both success and joy !

Well you can consider that tractors have fallen into a trap in these dashing times :(

But with the New Year the tractors go on the offensive on all fronts ;)


Happy New Year !

And may the New Year 2015 bring us both success and joy !
"...dream, we must dream for the children of the eagle tribe!"Happy New Year!

Well you can count the tractors trapped in these dashing times :(

But with the New Year the tractors go on the offensive on all fronts ;)


Happy New Year !

And may the New Year 2015 bring us both success and joy !

It's the west's fault again, that's why we're screwed! Next year we should only go east !

Also Happy New Year, and it better not be the year of the elephant, or else it will come! ;)

And, of course, good luck!


Well, you may consider that tractors have fallen into a trap in these bad times :(

But with the New Year the tractors go on the offensive on all fronts ;)


Happy New Year !

And may the New Year 2015 bring us both successes and joys !

It's good that he's alive and the tractors will come in handy.

Happy New Year! Let's hope that the worst is over.