The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 122


Two people arguing with each other - in different languages.

One is in the language of well-known mathematical formulas, and the other is answering him with the symbols used in Excel.

Fuck, how are you going to understand each other?

Since the language of mathematical formulas is more common and understandable, then let Yusuf give us his understanding of symbolic formulas in Excel in the language of integrals and exponents.

Otherwise, you will argue ad infinitum and you will not understand each other.


How do you calculate the integrals? Please give the numerical values of I, P and H at the point of greatest divergence and the value of t at that.

Try to calculate them like this, for example, at t=2:

I = GAMMARASP(t/t;n;1;1) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;2.954197002;1;1)=0.682256914 ----------------- integral distribution function

P = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;1) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;3.954197002;1;1)=0.465336551

AND = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;0) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;3.954197002;1;0)=0.216920364 ----------------- density function

N + I = 0.465336551 + 0.216920364 = 0.682256915

Where do you see the discrepancy?


x is the value for which you want to calculate the distribution.

Alpha is the parameter of the distribution.

Beta is the parameter of the distribution. If beta = 1, GAMMARASP returns the standard gamma distribution.

Integral is the logical value that defines the form of the function. If Integral is TRUE, GAMMARASP returns the integral distribution function; if this argument is FALSE, it returns the distribution density function.


Two people arguing with each other - in different languages.

One is in the language of well-known mathematical formulas, and the other is answering him with the symbols used in Excel.

Fuck, how are you going to understand each other?

Since the language of mathematical formulas is more common and understandable, then let Yusuf give us his understanding of symbolic formulas in Excel in the language of integrals and exponents.

Otherwise, you will argue ad infinitum and you will not understand each other.

It's all about finding out where the dog is buried.
If you tell us, we'll come with shovels and help you dig.
Please explain to me, how do these integrals relate to the market? The market, in my opinion, should be simpler...
Please, someone explain to me - how do these integrals relate to the market? The market, in my opinion, needs to be simpler...

Three topics.

1. initial.

2. What's the market got to do with it?

3. It should be simpler.

I agree with all of them. Be patient...

Don't worry so much... Think of us as having fun in this way.
Don't worry so much... Just think of it as our way of having fun.

Not like that.

"We'll let you know as soon as possible".