The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 117

What you remember, in Exel language, is written as follows:

H (t,t,n) = GAMMARASP(t/t;n;1;0) - Gamma distribution density function;

P (t,t,n) = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;1) - integral function of Gamma distribution;

AND (t,t,n) = GAMMARASP(t/t;n;1;1) - integral function of Gamma distribution;

B (t,t,n) =1 - GAMMARASP(t/t;n;1;1) is an integral function of the Gamma distribution;

In the superexponential example above, for simplicity, the case t = 1 is given.

Yusuf, let's talk in the common language of mathematics, not in Excel, in order to clarify the matter. Because I suspect that this is where the discrepancies in our calculations of tau and n lie.

Yusuf, let's talk in the common language of mathematics, not in Excel, in order to clarify the matter. Because I suspect that this is where the discrepancies in our calculations of tau and n lie.
There can be no discrepancies in calculations of n and tau if they are calculated by my known formulas, formulas (12) and (13). They are analytically flawless.
There can be no discrepancy in the calculations of n and tau if they are calculated using my known formulas, formulas (12) and (13). They are analytically flawless.

Please also write out in explicit form the functions H,P,I,B.
There can be no discrepancy in the calculations of n and tau if they are calculated using my known formulas, formulas (12) and (13). They are analytically flawless.

That is how I calculate them. I will check them now. Step by step.

Let's reconcile. Where's the mistake?


Please also write out in explicit form the functions H,P,I,B.

Now this function AND(t, t, n)

B(t, t, n) = 1- And(t, t, n).

There is a mistake in E below: instead of G(n+1) it should be G(n).


Now this function AND(t, t, n)

So E is simply renamed E. Right?


Is that correct?


So E is simply renamed to E. Right?

Yes, because its physical meaning is a function of History.

The physical meaning of the parameter n is still a mystery to me. Assumption: n is the degree of interaction of several "space-time" systems simultaneously in a single, in our opinion, process. Or "warping", "distortion" of coordinates and time. A process can proceed simultaneously in several systems. Since the H and P functions easily and with equal ease cope with both linear and non-linear functions, we can assume that it automatically translates a non-linear function into a linear one, changing space and time. Non-linear in one system turns out to be linear in another system. Anyway, there's still a lot of obscurity piling up for me.


Yes, because its physical meaning has been defined - it is a function of History.

The physical meaning of the parameter n is still a mystery to me. Assumption: n is the degree of interaction of several "space-time" systems simultaneously in a single, in our opinion, process. Or "warping", "distortion" of coordinates and time. A process can proceed simultaneously in several systems. Since the H and P functions easily and with equal ease handle both linear and non-linear functions, it can be assumed that it automatically translates a non-linear function into a linear one, changing space and time. Non-linear in one system turns out to be linear in another system. Anyway, there's still a lot that's not clear to me.

We'll get to n and figure out the physical meaning. ;)