The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 370

Maxim Kuznetsov:

yes of course you are welcome...

But please don't be like the others - if things don't work out (and they might not work out most of the time), honestly deal with your mistakes right here in public

ps/ or maybe it will work out.

Repent publicly? Well, and then - as it turns out... Maxim, you're wrong.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Repent publicly? Well, it's as good as it gets... Maxim, you're wrong.

I do not require confessions of wrongdoing, repentances and powdering my hair with ashes ... i do not care about that, and there is no such dispute with oleg

But let's sort out the mistakes already. Practice is the criterion of truth:-) There is a systematic approach - you have to check your ideas, admit your mistakes and work to correct them. I am in favour of this approach

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I do not require confessions of wrongdoing, repentances and powdering my hair with ashes... i do not care about that, and there is no such dispute with oleg.

But let's get on with it. Practice is the criterion of truth:-) There is a systematic approach - you have to check your ideas, admit mistakes and work on correcting them. I am for this approach.

What is your mistake?

Алексей Тарабанов:

What is your mistake?

thought that 2+2=4; but if it's about flows, it's not :-)

:-) just kidding of course

so i'm not saying i'm right !?


Unlike me, Oleg has long, publicly and persistently pursued his idea and I hope he has enough stamina to show and "work on mistakes" (which, by the way, is part of MBA).



Maxim Kuznetsov:

thought that 2+2=4; but when it comes to streams, that's not true :-)

:-) just kidding of course.

i'm not saying i'm right !?


Unlike me, Oleg has long, publicly and persistently pursued his idea and I hope he has enough stamina to show and "work on mistakes" (which, by the way, is part of the MBA).

if it's about flows, it's not always like that, and it doesn't have to be like that.

and I'm not kidding ;)

all this is good

and the idea of developing a strategy from the end goal (from the reverse) is also good

Oleg, at least a link to the monitoring from the competition in the profile, eh?

Renat Akhtyamov:


Oleg, at least a link to monitoring from the contest in the profile, eh?

I don't mind ;)

But won't the active advocates of non-proliferation "advertising" object, because it will rub their eyes a lot ... just the pictures alone ... they're already getting conjunctivitis...

So we have to think about the unfortunate, the poor and the weak, so as not to make them even more unfortunate, poor and weak.

If I get permission from the moderators, I'll give you the link, but with a compulsory warning, like "Health Ministry warns: smoking is dangerous to your health".


link in the profile.

Олег avtomat:

I don't mind ;)

But won't the active advocates of non-proliferation "advertising" object, because it will rub their eyes a lot... just the pictures alone... they're already getting conjunctivitis...

So we have to think about the unfortunate, the poor and the weak, so as not to make them even more unfortunate, poor and weak.

If I get permission from the moderators, I'll give you the link, but with an obligatory warning, like "Health Ministry warns: smoking is dangerous for your health".



