The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 464


Lande wrote this 60 years ago.

Did you come to us in a time machine?

Or did physics end with Landais?

Not much has changed in principle since then.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

In short: where a human hand is involved, the outcome is not predictable.

The market is with human participation; it is not electricity, where the movement of electrons is known in advance.

Both man and the market are elements of this World.


Electrical energy exists only for schoolchildren and electricians.

In physics, there is electromagnetic energy.

What about electric current without electrons?

If you want to argue, argue instead of glaring at your monitor.)))

Andrey Dik:

everything in the world is completely random. the chains of events visible to the viewer seem to be interconnected, but they are only random (probabilistic) positions of energies in space (and existing simultaneously in several places).

there is no "single mechanism", there is only the dual nature of the particle and the principle of its probabilistic position, the presence of the particle generates - gravitation, its motion - time.

there is nothing else.

the person writing these lines (and the person who with great probability will oppose with a cudgel in hand) is nothing but a series of random events in the form of a probabilistic particle cloud.

zy. I forgot to say, what happens (what it looks like) depends on the presence of an observer.

It's exactly the opposite.

Andrey Dik:

And? You want to argue, argue, if you're not too lazy, instead of glaring at your monitor.))

I'll argue -what about electric current without electrons?


Oppose -what is it about electric current without electrons?

it's not an argument, it's a question. any fool can ask a question.
Олег avtomat:

It's exactly the opposite.

wo, I have estimated the probability correctly, which indirectly confirms my theory, although there should be an additional series of throws in for statistical certainty.
Andrey Dik:
it's not an objection, it's a question. any fool can ask a question.

I thought any fool could talk about electric current without electrons involved...


I thought any fool could talk about electric current without electrons involved...

then why are you opposing it?
Andrey Dik:
Then why are you arguing against it?

Yeah, I figured that out myself.

P.S."everything in the world is completely random" is also nonsense.