The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 363

Олег avtomat:

I'm also inclined to think there's no point.

That's true... But here's an example of total incomprehension, with questions for which you can't find direct answers (like yes/no) in a textbook:

What can I say...

This is different. A special case.

of the cycle: One ... can ask so many questions that a hundred wise men can't answer.


I am personally interested in two questions about ACF:

1. is it possible to change the tau shift exponentially at each calculation step, in a sliding window?

2. will the correlation decrease with increasing tau?

If the articles give reasoned answers, without the emotion inherent in you and me, I would be very grateful.

P.S. All my posts are by no means flattery etc, Oleg. I really need help now, in the face of such a serious adversary as the market. Well, I can't embrace the immensity alone - and there are no voluntary helpers here and never have been, apparently...

1. it's possible, but it's pointless.

2. it can either decrease or increase -- it depends on the process in question (BP)

The first and the most important lesson the market has taught you -- put you in your place, knocked down your hubris and broke your horns. And then, if you don't lose heart, you will get an understanding, and with understanding, you will get results.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

This is different. A special case.

from the series: One... can ask so many questions that a hundred wise men can't answer.

The stick is a double-edged sword... if there are no questions, there are no answers ;)



Gold. That's what the global trend is all about.

Олег avtomat:
Alexander_K2, apparently, this"star" is asking you to look for the grail in her personal profile. This "star" has the grail ;))
There's a star here who has "solved the profitability problem". She is a star.
There's a star here who's "solved the profitability problem." She's a star.

you shit...'d better fuck off, you parasite...

Олег avtomat:

you shit... you should fuck off, you parasite...

I was, and I saw the storyteller telling tales, and it was so entertaining. Let me hear it. I was right to listen.


I should have opened a cent account for that bonus. I opened a dollar account.

The experiment with the bonus is over.

Олег avtomat:

The experiment with the bonus is over.


Evgeniy Chumakov:


Not enough room for manoeuvre.