The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 322


Today started a week long demo contest, so I'm working on the nuances of the TS (in parallel with the real task).

Here is the result of the first day - almost 10-fold increase of the starting deposit :

Initial deposit = 1,000

Current result = 9576


Conclusion: TS can earn. But it needs confirmation over a long period.

A man who walks the road will make the way. (с)

Олег avtomat:

Today started a week long demo contest, so I'm working on the nuances of the TS (in parallel with the real task).

Here is the result of the first day - almost 10-fold increase of the starting deposit :

Initial deposit = 1,000

Current result = 9576


Conclusion: TS can earn. But it needs confirmation over a long period.

A man who walks the road will make the way. (с)

This is already an excellent result. If it works like this on the experimental setup, the goal may be achieved.

I am watching carefully.

Олег avtomat:

Today started a week long demo contest, so I'm working on the nuances of the TS (in parallel with the real task).

Here is the result of the first day - almost 10-fold increase in initial deposit :

Initial deposit = 1,000

Current result = 9576


Conclusion: TS can earn. But it needs confirmation over a long period.

A man who walks the road will make the way. (с)

Then the system will work, even if you lose profit for a couple of days, it's OK, you replenish the deposit and go again, the losses will be repaid in the next days.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Already an excellent result, if it works like that on the experimental problem as well, the goal may be achieved.

Observing carefully.

Well, on the experimental task it works and it won 't work that way.

And the goal will be achieved.


Andrey Dik:

If you want to withdraw profit every day, then the system will be good, even if the next couple of days will sink, it's OK, you deposit and go again, the losses will be recovered in the next days.

yes, yes... it looks like you need to withdraw demo profits every day from your demo account at the demo contest!

It is very good to withdraw demo profit very demo-optimal -- well, that's ok, no big deal, just top up the demo depo and go back to the demo way, the demo losses will be repaid in the next days.

Олег avtomat:

yes, yes... it looks like you need to withdraw demo profits every day from your demo account at the demo contest!

Great demo withdrawal! very demo-optimal -- well what, no big deal, top up the demo depo and back on the demo track, the demo losses will be recouped in the following days.

Do not be distracted)). Trade.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Don't be distracted)). Trade.

The task of cache output, its size and periodicity, is very important and deserves the closest attention.


The stationary case is a first approximation:


a more realistic non-stationary case:


Its solution is not ordinary at all (although many people don't even think about it)



If you introduce additional conditions/restrictions on max and min cache output, max and min balance value, periodicity and other nuances and subtleties, the picture of optimal withdrawal percentage as a function of balance value and growth rate will change.


For some reason, the links to the right posts did not work properly... I duplicated them in text.


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  • ТИЛЬ
Я не знаю ...Тема перекликается с тем чем я занимался Х-сколько лет- высококачественными усилителями . По крайней мере ПОС и ООС "руками" щупал .... Последний трёхполосник доводил как раз индивидульной подгонкой ОС каждого...
Олег avtomat:

yes, yes... it looks like you need to withdraw demo profits every day from your demo account at the demo contest!

Great demo withdrawal! very demo-optimal -- well what, no big deal, we replenish the demo depo and go back to the demo way, the demo losses will be recouped in the following days.

Well, one would expect similar returns on real accounts, wouldn't you?

As for the real trading robot, the real account profitability is expected to be similar, right? - Then I have no more questions.

Andrey Dik:

Well, one would expect similar returns in real accounts, wouldn't you?

otherwise what's the point of this whole show? or is the goal to make money without taking risks in demo contests? - then i have no more questions.

You're turning things upside down again... either you don't understand or you're deliberately fooling around...

I think you should just ignore your remarks from now on.

Is the week-long demo competition still going strong? The tempo has not been out of whack.