The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 440

Nikolai Semko:

Why 3 and not 53?

I have a friend who did it.
The picture keeps changing every bar.
But the interesting thing is that the extrapolation was always in counter-trend)
Maybe there is something in it and maybe not)
A friend of mine did it.
The picture is constantly changing every bar.
But the most interesting thing is that the extrapolation was always in the counter-trend)
Maybe there is something to it, maybe not).
If all the time would go to the counter-trend, it would be the Grail.
But the truth of life is that decomposition of the past price line of any duration into 3 or 53 sinusoids with further extrapolation produces the same predictive effect as flipping a coin.
Tested many times in practice.
Олег avtomat:

About trends.

The simplest model, in which there are three different-scale fluctuations.

var = {1;1;1}


Very nice pictures, but for a better understanding you would give definitions of the variables. What are var, N and others.

As I understand w is "frequency", A is the amplitude of the oscillation. As far as I remember A = 1/sqrt(w). I.e. when frequency is quadrupled, the amplitude drops by a factor of two? Or not?

Just give me a link to the primary source from which you got the pictures.

Good luck

Олег avtomat:

A limited set of closed triangles can be formed from the set of currency pairs offered by the BC:


In more general terms :

or in this representation :


In its most general form, a ring can be constructed comprising all available currency pairs :


The direction of movement of currency pairs of the triangle depends on the ratio of velocities of the currencies comprising the triangle.

Knowing the direction of movement and velocities of the currencies that make up the triangle determines the optimal working currency pair and trading direction.

Generally speaking, we should write A/B ; C/B; A/C;

Then the product of these three fractions will give (A/B)^2. A/B : C/B : A/C = 1 You can get something out of it, maybe...

Vladimir Perervenko:

Very nice pictures, but for a better understanding you would give definitions of variables. What are var, N and others.

As I understand w is "frequency", A is the amplitude of the oscillation. As far as I remember A = 1/sqrt(w). I.e. when frequency is quadrupled, the amplitude drops by a factor of two? Or not?

Just give me a link to the primary source from which you got the pictures.

Good luck

var is a variant of the oscillator

Nmin, Nmax - it is number of minimum point and number of maximum point on the considered interval

w - frequency of oscillations

A - amplitude of oscillations

I set the value of A = 1/w

I made the pictures myself. I am their source. ;)

You can also do A = 1/sqrt(w). And see what you get.

Vladimir Perervenko:

In general terms, write A/B ; C/B ; A/C;

Then the product of these three fractions is (A/B)^2. A/B : C/B : A/C = 1 From this you can get something out, maybe...

They don't need to be multiplied, they need to be separated.

And it doesn't matter whether the fraction on the input is straight or inverse, it can be inverted into the required form.

Vladimir Perervenko:

Very nice pictures, but for a better understanding you would give definitions of variables. What are var, N and others.

As I understand w is "frequency", A is the amplitude of the oscillation. As far as I remember A = 1/sqrt(w). I.e. when the frequency is quadrupled, the amplitude drops by a factor of two? Or not?

Just give me a link to the primary source from which you got the pictures.

Good luck

Well, here's a very interesting case where the amplitude (in meters) becomes equal to the quotient of dividing one by the square root of the frequency of something in Hertz.

I'm going through decimal fractions with my granddaughter.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Арифметические операции
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Арифметические операции
Операция инкремента и декремента применяются только к переменным, к константам не применяются. Префиксныe инкремент (++i) и декремент (--k) применяются к переменной непосредственно перед использованием этой переменной в выражении. Могут возникнуть вычислительные проблемы при переносе вышеуказанного выражения из одной среды программирования в...
Алексей Тарабанов:

Well, here's a very interesting case in which the amplitude (in metres) becomes equal to the quotient of dividing one by the square root of the frequency of something in Hertz.

I'm going through decimal fractions with my granddaughter.

You're too strict ;)

He's just confused, he was thinking of one thing and it's from another. And that's exactly the dependence. Well, it happens...

On the other hand, nothing prevents (there are no bans) to consider the dependence A(w) he proposes.

You can complicate this function (as your heart desires), for example, so A(w;v), or so A(w;v;a), or whatever...

Actually, it would be interesting to see how it all would look like. Maybe I'll do it someday at my leisure.



Tripod ;)


To keep everything clear, so that all the data doesn't get stuck in one continuous mess, a small window with the latest actual data will be displayed in the future.







