The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 270


The Fed's deadly anniversary

The Fed runs the market )))) That's where we should have started ))))

The economics and racism of international relations

Published: 15 Jan. 2014 г.

The economics and racism of international relations.

Economics is as much a weapon of coercion as war. Modern international relations is built on the theory of racial superiority. Alexander Dugin's International Relations lecture course at the Department of Sociology, Moscow State University.
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Cognitive TV:


The question is posed and further discussion ensues.

The laws of physicsrule here:


It will be an all-terrain vehicle ;)))


The setting of the question and further discussions.

The trajectory of motion is given, the law of the effect of control on the system is known. The problem of finding the optimal control in this case is effectively solved by the Bellman method (google dynamic programming).

The trajectory of motion is given, the law of the effect of control on the system is known. The problem of finding the optimal control in this case is effectively solved by the Bellman method (google dynamic programming).

Not everything is simple and straightforward. The main difficulty is that we have, firstly, a problem with loose ends, and secondly, we have essentially an inverse problem of optimal control. It is well known that the complexity of solving an inverse problem always exceeds the complexity of solving a direct problem -- so to speak, complexity squared, since already direct optimal control problems are complex problems. However, by making some assumptions, we can take advantage of well-known optimal control methods --Bellmandynamic programming; Pontryagin's maximum principle.

The road is travelled by the walker.


The road is for those who walk.

Traktor (8049286) ?

Traktor (8049286) ?

I guess you're very happy with yourwitticism!

With this "witticism" you've raised your rating in your own eyes!

Didn't you?



I assume you're very happy with thatwitticism of yours !

With this "witticism" you've raised your rating in your own eyes!

Didn't you?


I didn't mean to raise anything.
For the sake of interest, I asked the usual question about the score - is it yours?

(just now realised what you mean))))).

I just found the closest and not so laden of your posts to ask ))))

Sorry if anything is wrong, but the question still stands.


I didn't mean to raise anything.
For the sake of interest, I asked the usual question about the account -- is it yours?

(just now realised what you mean))))).

It's just that I found the closest and not so loaded of your posts to ask ))))

Sorry if anything is wrong, but the question still stands.

I don't know what kind ofTraktor it is. Give me the link, I'll have a look.

My tractors look different -- A (B,C,D,...).