The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 267


The point at which the vertices of the "cones" of the past (P) and the future (B) meet is the moment of the present (N).
According to my ideas, the present exists. Otherwise I cannot put together and link the three formulas P, H and B in a single chain P+H+B=1. Here, each function in its own way perfectly describes, assigned to it, a section of the unified dynamic process from the beginning to the end. The duration or length of H depends on the frame of reference, the properties of the process and the stage of development of the process. If epochs are considered, the unit of H=1 epoch, if days - H=1 day, if seconds - the unit of H=1 second. But clearly, the present exists and it is not a blink of an eye.
According to my ideas, the present exists. otherwise I would not be able to reduce and relate the three formulas P, H and B into a single chain P+H+B=1. Here, each function in its own way perfectly describes a section of a single dynamic process from beginning to end. The duration or length of H depends on the frame of reference, the properties of the process and the stage of development of the process. If epochs are considered, the unit of H=1 epoch, if days - H=1 day, if seconds - the unit of H=1 second. But clearly, the present exists and it is not a blink of an eye.

Everything is relative and a "blink of an eye" is a "blink of an eye". After all, the horizon of consideration also plays a big role.

Here (made a simple video) you can clearly see the variability of the significance of the "blink", depending on the horizon:




Therefore, when selecting an "epoch", we must remember that, for example, if one day is used as the horizon, such a horizon will contain a different number of different "epochs", respectively, and the significance of these "epochs" will be different, inversely proportional to their number filling the horizon :

1 day = 6*(4h) = 24*(1h) = 48*(30m) = 96*(15m) = 288*(5m) = 1440*(1m)

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But Russia does not eat its bread and butter either.

Angara rocket

Pre-launch tests of the Angara launch vehicle and launch complex built for it have started at Plesetsk. "Angara is one of the most promising Russian projects. In the future, the environmentally friendly rocket would replace almost all current carriers: light, medium and heavy. The first flight is scheduled to take place at the end of this month.

Eh.... I won't be able to watch the video...



Eh.... I won't be able to watch the video...

I think someone will put it on YouTube or RuTube in the near future.

Everything is relative, including the "blink of an eye". After all, the horizon of consideration also plays a major role.

Here (made a simple video) you can clearly see the variability of the significance of the "blink", depending on the horizon:




Therefore, when selecting an "epoch", we must remember that, for example, if one day is used as a horizon, such a horizon will contain a different number of different "epochs", respectively, and the significance of these "epochs" will be different, inversely proportional to their number filling the horizon:

1day = 6*(4h) = 24*(1h) = 48*(30m) = 96*(15m) = 288*(5m) = 1440*(1m)

Nice presentation, but in fact, these functions change, in particular at a=0.1, as follows and it would be great if you could animate them in a similar way:

a t Б Н П B+H+P
0,1 0 1 0 0 1
0,1 1 0,904837 0,090484 0,004679 1
0,1 2 0,818731 0,163746 0,017523 1
0,1 3 0,740818 0,222245 0,036936 1
0,1 4 0,67032 0,268128 0,061552 1
0,1 5 0,606531 0,303265 0,090204 1
0,1 6 0,548812 0,329287 0,121901 1
0,1 7 0,496585 0,34761 0,155805 1
0,1 8 0,449329 0,359463 0,191208 1
0,1 9 0,40657 0,365913 0,227518 1
0,1 10 0,367879 0,367879 0,264241 1
0,1 11 0,332871 0,366158 0,300971 1
0,1 12 0,301194 0,361433 0,337373 1
0,1 13 0,272532 0,354291 0,373177 1
0,1 14 0,246597 0,345236 0,408167 1
0,1 15 0,22313 0,334695 0,442175 1
0,1 16 0,201897 0,323034 0,475069 1
0,1 17 0,182684 0,310562 0,506754 1
0,1 18 0,165299 0,297538 0,537163 1
0,1 19 0,149569 0,28418 0,566251 1
0,1 20 0,135335 0,270671 0,593994 1
0,1 21 0,122456 0,257158 0,620385 1
0,1 22 0,110803 0,243767 0,64543 1
0,1 23 0,100259 0,230595 0,669146 1
0,1 24 0,090718 0,217723 0,691559 1
0,1 25 0,082085 0,205212 0,712703 1
0,1 26 0,074274 0,193111 0,732615 1
0,1 27 0,067206 0,181455 0,75134 1
0,1 28 0,06081 0,170268 0,768922 1
0,1 29 0,055023 0,159567 0,785409 1
0,1 30 0,049787 0,149361 0,800852 1
0,1 31 0,045049 0,139653 0,815298 1
0,1 32 0,040762 0,130439 0,828799 1
0,1 33 0,036883 0,121714 0,841402 1
0,1 34 0,033373 0,113469 0,853158 1
0,1 35 0,030197 0,105691 0,864112 1
0,1 36 0,027324 0,098365 0,874311 1
0,1 37 0,024724 0,091477 0,883799 1
0,1 38 0,022371 0,085009 0,89262 1
0,1 39 0,020242 0,078943 0,900815 1
0,1 40 0,018316 0,073263 0,908422 1
0,1 41 0,016573 0,067948 0,915479 1
0,1 42 0,014996 0,062981 0,922023 1
0,1 43 0,013569 0,058345 0,928087 1
0,1 44 0,012277 0,05402 0,933702 1
0,1 45 0,011109 0,04999 0,938901 1
0,1 46 0,010052 0,046238 0,94371 1
0,1 47 0,009095 0,042748 0,948157 1
0,1 48 0,00823 0,039503 0,952267 1
0,1 49 0,007447 0,036488 0,956065 1
0,1 50 0,006738 0,03369 0,959572 1
0,1 51 0,006097 0,031093 0,96281 1
0,1 52 0,005517 0,028686 0,965797 1
0,1 53 0,004992 0,026455 0,968553 1
0,1 54 0,004517 0,02439 0,971094 1
0,1 55 0,004087 0,022477 0,973436 1
0,1 56 0,003698 0,020708 0,975594 1
0,1 57 0,003346 0,019072 0,977582 1
0,1 58 0,003028 0,01756 0,979413 1
0,1 59 0,002739 0,016163 0,981098 1
0,1 60 0,002479 0,014873 0,982649 1
0,1 61 0,002243 0,013681 0,984076 1
0,1 62 0,002029 0,012582 0,985388 1
0,1 63 0,001836 0,011569 0,986595 1
0,1 64 0,001662 0,010634 0,987704 1
0,1 65 0,001503 0,009772 0,988724 1
0,1 66 0,00136 0,008978 0,989661 1
0,1 67 0,001231 0,008247 0,990522 1
0,1 68 0,001114 0,007574 0,991313 1
0,1 69 0,001008 0,006954 0,992038 1
0,1 70 0,000912 0,006383 0,992705 1
0,1 71 0,000825 0,005858 0,993317 1
0,1 72 0,000747 0,005375 0,993878 1
0,1 73 0,000676 0,004931 0,994393 1
0,1 74 0,000611 0,004523 0,994865 1
0,1 75 0,000553 0,004148 0,995299 1
0,1 76 0,0005 0,003803 0,995696 1
0,1 77 0,000453 0,003487 0,99606 1
0,1 78 0,00041 0,003196 0,996394 1
0,1 79 0,000371 0,002929 0,9967 1
0,1 80 0,000335 0,002684 0,996981 1
B = Exp(-at); H = atExp(-at); P = 1 - (1+at)Exp(-at)

Machine-gun, you get those pigs the hell out of here... ...or it'll all come back to a discussion of greatness and untouchability... stop being so anal-retentive...

No brains, no money...

But often the opposite is true ;)))

But often the opposite is true ;)))

Yes, life is diverse. ))

It goes like this:

1. No brains, no money.

2. There's brains - there's money.

3. no brains - there is money.

4. No brains - no money.



Don't you care if someone is annoyed by something? It's a common thing on traders' forums, I'm used to it. No one believes not just in the Grail, but in any more or less stable TS that work at all.

News from the field is always interesting. Reading the thread, as far as I understand it - annoyed by its name, people unfamiliar with TAU think you are trying to manipulate the market. Requirement of break-even adds gasoline. Trading is not easy thing, people dig for years that would at least something more or less workable to find, and here is such a statement.The result is a negative reaction.

You say "got used to it", i.e. you got used to an atmosphere of irritability and negativity. And this is an atmosphere of destruction, but not of creation.

Eh.... I won't be able to watch the video...

Try watching what's not available via an anonymiser (I haven't tried it but it should work)

Try watching what's not available through an anonymizer (I haven't tried it but it should work)

Theseanonymizers make me suspicious and have a bad feeling. So I'll wait

tol6421.06.2014 17:56#
I think someone will put it on YouTube or RuTube in the near future.