The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 266


It's a good thing, because it's a good thread that unconscious elements are starting to spoil.

Thank you, Victor, for the kind words.

Has anyone ever thought about the efficiency of the vehicles they build?

I would like to point out that this question, about efficiency, is not idle for engineers and designers, but very practical.

How is the experiment going? Haven't heard any good news for a while. Has the tractor deviated from its planned trajectory? Has it slowed down? Or maybe it exceeded the norm and time to harvest ? ;)

Has anyone thought about the efficiency of the vehicles they build?

And I should point out that this is not an idle question, but a very practical one.

How do you calculate the efficiency ? Right? Only then you need to clarify what is meant by:

A is useful work.

Q is energy expended.


P.S. It is simply Recovery Factor. ))

How's the experiment going? I haven't heard good news for a long time. Did the tractor deviate from its planned trajectory? Has it slowed down? Or maybe it exceeded the norm and it's time to harvest ? ;)

The experiment is on its way.

tractor L, which has a leverage of 1:1000, has not met the break-even requirement and I have removed it from monitoring.

The tractor R, with a reasonable leverage of 1:100, is in the field and performing the tasks assigned to it -- it is a long experiment and is scheduled to run until the end of the year; its goals and objectives are listed here, and you can see the daily dynamics and movement analysis there as well.


And on the subject of good news... I've long noticed that for some of the people who come here it's irritating... I mean, good news turns out to be negative and stressful for them, almost like mental abuse... And that's why I don't particularly want to tease the geese.


do not tease geese.


Don't tease the geese, there'll be trouble:
Nothing can save naked legs.
It's the same in life, when people forget their faith,
There's no telling where they'll end up!

More often, reason and heart walk in unity,
But when they're apart, they can lose everything.
Our feelings are vulnerable, they suffer to the end,
But emotions are not to be trusted!

Self-love, though, every now and then, fails.
It is foolish to wait for good tidings in its embrace:
It's no coincidence that good fortune is by-passed.
So do not tease the geese without cause!

Aye, they are not demons, they are geese. The Almighty is the maker:
Of this creature and of us. So why tease them?
He who teases the geese is a troublemaker, a troublemaker:
There's no question who's more appropriate to scold here!

Do not tempt fate, do not spit against the wind.
Take better care of your friends than your life.
Don't be angry at someone else's good fortune,
And even more so, don't tease the geese!

Copyright © Copyright:Valery Simonov, 2010




With a long whip.

The man drove the geese to town to sell;

And, to tell the truth,

He didn't honor his goose herd very politely:

He was in a hurry to make a profit on market day

(And where he touches his profits,

Not only for the geese, but for the people, too).

I don't blame the man;

But the geese talked about it differently.

And when they met a passer-by on their way,

And they said to the goose, "Where can you find us?

"Where can you find us geese more miserable?

The man is so mean to us,

"and chases us, as if we were common geese.

And this ignorant man knows nothing of it,

That he owes us his respects;

That we are descended from those geese that once owed Rome

To whom Rome once owed its salvation:

There are even feasts in their honour!"

"And what do you want to be distinguished for?" -

Asked them a passer-by. - "Our ancestors..." "I know,

I have read it all; but I wish to know,

How much good have you done?"

"Our forefathers saved Rome!"

"That's right, but what have you done?"

"We? Nothing!" - "Well, what good have you done?

Leave your ancestors alone:

"They were well and honourable;

And you, my friends, are good for nothing but a roast."

This fable could have been better explained.

but not to annoy the geese.




I remember, Victor, you used to blame Russia for using environmentally harmful rockets and praised the US for working on environmentally friendly rocket engines, but in the meantime they buy the engines from us.

But Russia does not eat its own bread and butter either.

The Angara rocket

Prelaunch tests of the Angara launch vehicle and the launch pad built for it have started at Plesetsk. "Angara is one of the most promising Russian projects. In the future, the environmentally friendly rocket would replace almost all current carriers, light, medium and heavy. The first flight is scheduled to take place at the end of this month.


The experiment goes on.

tractor L, which has a leverage of 1:1000, has not met the break-even requirement and I have removed it from monitoring.

The tractor R, with a reasonable leverage of 1:100, is in the field and performing the tasks assigned to it -- it is a long experiment and is scheduled to run until the end of the year; its goals and objectives are listed here, and you can see the daily dynamics and movement analysis there as well.


And on the subject of good news... I've long noticed that for some of the people who come here it's irritating... I mean, good news turns out to be negative and stressful for them, almost like mental abuse... Which is why I don't particularly want to tease the geese.



There are more geese like that. Goose geese blah blah blah blah! ;))


How do you calculate the efficiency ? Right? Only then you need to clarify what you mean by:

A - useful work.

Q is the energy expended.


P.S. It's just the Recovery Factor. ))

Efficiency is the coefficient of performance.

A very useful characteristic of system operation.


The experiment is running its course.

tractor L, which has a leverage of 1:1000, has not met the break-even requirement and I have removed it from monitoring.

The tractor R, with a reasonable leverage of 1:100, is in the field and performing the tasks assigned to it -- it is a long experiment and is scheduled to run until the end of the year; its goals and objectives are listed here, and you can see the daily dynamics and movement analysis there as well.


And on the subject of good news... I've long noticed that for some of the people who come here it's irritating... I mean, good news turns out to be negative and stressful for them, almost like mental abuse... That's why I don't want to tease the geese too much.

Don't you care if someone is annoyed by something? It's a common thing on traders' forums, I'm used to it. I am used to it. No one believes not only in Grail, but also in any kind of more or less stable TS.

News from the field is always interesting. Reading the thread, as far as I understand it - annoyed by its name, people who are not familiar with TAU think you are trying to manage the market. Requirement of break-even adds gasoline. Trading is not easy thing, people dig for years that would at least something more or less workable to find, and here is such a statement.The result is a negative reaction.


Machine-gun, you get those pigs the hell out of here... ...or it'll all come back to a discussion of greatness and untouchability... stop being so anal-retentive...

No brains, no money...