The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 241


These are theUSDRUB trends, not the trends of my deposit. They are not the same thing.

Such a humorous way of avoiding a simple question).

You said earlier that you were aiming for 100% breakeven on your trades. So looking at your charts and comparing them with your words, it all leads me to think about drawdowns. That's why I asked. I did not want to offend in any way. If you are not interested - you do not have to answer. Then what is the point of posting charts?


Such a humorous way of avoiding a simple question).

You said earlier that you were aiming for 100% breakeven on your trades. So looking at your charts and comparing them with your words, it all leads me to think about drawdowns. That's why I asked. I did not want to offend in any way. If you are not interested - you do not have to answer. Then what is the point of posting the charts?

The objective is to follow the market. But this is too general. And so the entry and exit rules need to be made more specific. Namely, to open a position only in the direction of the prevailing direction of movement. For example, the analyzer on Monthly-Weekly-Daily uses weights. The direction of movement on Monthly has the most weight. The direction of movement onWeekly has an average weight. The direction of movement onDaily has the least weight.

At the end of the previous week we closed the sell position. Based on the accepted rules, the position was not opened upwards.


The objective is to follow the market. But this is too general... And so the rules for entry and exit need to be specified. Namely, you should only open a position in the direction of the dominant direction. For example, the analyzer on the Monthly-Weekly-Daily uses weights. The direction of movement on Monthly has the most weight. The direction of movement onWeekly has an average weight. The direction of movement onDaily has the least weight.

A sell position was closed at the end of the previous week. Based on the rules adopted, no position was opened upwards.

The leading behaviour of the indicator chart and the sequence of "price" behaviour on your charts can be seen. Sampling is random or ...

With indicators there is such a problem as divergence. What justifies.... further price behaviour. Or is there nothing?


The leading behaviour of the indicator chart and the sequence of 'price' behaviour on your charts can be seen. Is the sampling random or ...

With indicators there is such a problem as divergence. What justifies.... further price behaviour. Or is there no way?

Remember some time ago I gave a model from a set of gears? Somewhere in the archives this topic must have survived. So, this is an illustrative model of composite complex point motion.

Yesterday, 2 June 2014, a tractor was released into the field. The conditions are very cramped, so first the area has to be ploughed so that it can manoeuvre freely. It turned out to be quite a skittish horse - it was off to a flying start - and on the very first day of his arduous ploughing he produced an encouraging result and a wonderful prospect:


  • Gain:+60.8%
  • Overall increase:+60.8%.
  • Daily: 60.80%
  • Monthly: 5780909.06%
  • Drawdown: 0.00%

beautiful ;)))


31 pips, 60% gain, for the day.

And this man talks about making money in the market... The never-ending facepalm.


31 pips, 60% gain, for the day.

And this man talks about making money in the market... The never-ending facepalm.

There's a deposit of 5 quid. ) Probably trying to make money out of thin air. )))

Welcome bonus = $5

This is a 4 digit, and there is ~40 pts left to SL. An entry error is tantamount to being drained.

But gradually, as the balance increases, the situation improves.


31 pips, 60% gain, for the day.

And this man is talking about making money in the market... A face-palm that never fails.

What are you grouchy... You didn't even know what the humor was... And, believe it or not, I even anticipated your reaction.

By the way, I noticed a long time ago that any of my actions cause in you some painfully negative reaction. If you don't like it, then don't get on your nerves and don't look here.


And, would you believe it, but I even foresaw your reaction.

Believe it or not, I saw yours too.)

You've dispelled the last doubts with that last tractor, it's a shame though...