The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 182


"And God created the weekend, so that traders might be likened to Him, and might better see the difference between Time and 'time', between Eternity and the chart, between Territory and maps..."

"Great is His wisdom, for He is neither superstitious nor misled by paradoxes arising solely from the confusion of logical types..."

"The Lord is humble, for He understands that He can never create that stone which He could not lift..."

(c) MetaDriver's Gospel


Penetrating the Apostles?

Do we penetrate into the Apostles?

Yeah, I love this stuff, but when I'm in the mood... thank god the forum rules don't seem to prohibit.....



Yeah, I love this stuff, but when I'm in the mood... thank god the forum rules don't seem to prohibit.....


Just waiting for the imperishable ashes

Well then explain what is time in a vacuum without an observer and his system.

Imagine before the creation of the world)) emptiness. No objects or observers with their dynamical systems. Basically there is nothing. What's there about time?

I see no point in breaking bones about another nonsense...

Well, since the language of parables has been spoken here, the appropriate one would be: When the fruit is ripe, immediately sends the sickle, because the harvest has come.


"And God created the weekend, so that traders might be likened to Him, and might better see the difference between Time and 'time', between Eternity and the chart, between Territory and maps..."

"Great is His wisdom, for He is neither superstitious nor misled by paradoxes arising solely from the confusion of logical types..."

"'The Lord is humble, for He understands that He can never create a stone that He cannot lift... "

(c) MetaDriver's Gospel


Well, if that's the case... How can the all-powerful God not create something? He's omnipotent, He can do anything. And if He can create, how can He not raise again? It's a vicious cycle, man.

I don't see the point in breaking spears over another piece of nonsense...

As long as the language of proverbs is being used here, an appropriate one would be this: When the fruit is ripe, he immediately sends the sickle, because the harvest is at hand.

well, zrei))

Well, if that's the case... How can the omnipotent God not create something? I mean, He's omnipotent, He can do anything. And if He can create, how can He not raise again? It's a vicious cycle, man.

"And God created Time and Looping Causality, so that the barren Liar's Paradox might be transformed into the fertile Schmitt Trigger...."



"And God created Time, so that the false Paradox of the Liar could be transformed into the fertile Schmitt Trigger...."


Nah, more like a ladder there - created, realised he couldn't lift, pumped up the power, lifted, realised he couldn't create an unreachable stone, created another, bigger one, etc.
...Time is by no means the only and by no means the best way to quantify it.

Well said, I couldn't have put it better!!! Captured the essence directly. Bars blur the event-driven picture that goes by ticks, and having a rigid algorithm and price behavior "by tick", you can easily quantize the FOREX market by events. As my algorithm does, and to reveal the patterns of market behavior, depending on events (ie price behavior, which will include ALL of the events of this reality, affecting its behavior) - anyone who is even slightly intelligent can do it.

P.S. I practically laid out the essence of my algorithm.

Nah, it's more like a ladder - created, realised he couldn't lift, pumped up the power, lifted, realised he couldn't create an unreachable stone, created another, bigger one, etc.

"And the Lord created the Black Holes as an admonition to the fools who at all times projected their own Mania of Greatness onto Him....".
