The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 181


one luminary has starred us all... :-)))

Moscow time?
A familiar reaction...

There are sequential events that we record - steal, drink, go to jail)) Describe the dynamics of the process? Yes. Is there a timeline? No.
There is time, only the metric is different - event-driven. What is interesting is that it is the density of perceived events that determines the speed of the flow of subjective time.
There is time, only the metric is different - event-driven. What is interesting, it is the density of perceived events that determines the rate of flow of subjective time.

Well now we will make up terms))

There is a system that we are observing. More precisely, some of its parameters. If by a change of value of any parameter of the system we mean time, then of course any dynamic system will have it (dynamic means changing). Time is understood as an external periodical process, which allows registering observations at equal or measurable intervals of time. This is time quantization. And the system may not change with time.

One can quantify the dynamics of price by equal numbers of transactions, by equal numbers of price changes etc.

Although for "subjective time" there are abstractions, for example, "internal time" (introduced by Prigozhin), but it (BB) also needs the minimal clearly measurable quantum (for example, one transaction or one tick). Just a series of observable events may be without definition of internal time. I.e. it is all for the convenience of the observer to describe and predict a dynamic system (including astronomical time). I.e. it is simply a scale meeting certain requirements. If it is needed - I enter it, if it is not needed - I do not enter it)).


well, now we'll make up terms)))

There is a system that we are observing. More precisely, some of its parameters. If by a change of value of any parameter of the system we mean time, then of course any dynamic system will have it (dynamic means changing). Time is understood as an external periodical process, which allows registering observations at equal or measurable intervals of time. This is time quantization. And the system may not change with time.

One can quantify the dynamics of price by equal numbers of transactions, by equal numbers of price changes etc.

Although for "subjective time" there are abstractions, for example, "internal time" (introduced by Prigozhin), but it (BB) also needs the minimal clearly measurable quantum (for example, one transaction or one tick). Just a series of observable events may be without definition of internal time. I.e. it is all for the convenience of the observer to describe and predict a dynamic system (including astronomical time). I.e. it is simply a scale meeting certain requirements. If it is necessary - I introduce it, if it is not necessary - I do not introduce it))

And you're right...
No, it isn't.

And the error is hidden very deeply. The mistake is in identifying "Time" and "Method_of_measuring_time" -- but these are different entities.

This is an erroneous statement:
Time, on the other hand, refers to an external periodic process that allows observations to be recorded at equal or measurable intervals.
but it's a "Method_of_measuring_time"
it's not "Time".

Time as such does not depend on any process adopted by the observer for its own convenience of measurement.
Time itself is external to the observer.
I realise that this is difficult to realise.


Here, for example:

1) there is a picture of an empty room;

2) there is a 5-minute video of an empty room in which nothing changes;

All the frames of the video are indentical to each other, and each frame of the video is identical to the photograph.

Is there time here, or is there none? ;))


I hope this very simplistic example helps to direct thought towards understanding.

No, it isn't.

And the error is hidden very deeply. The mistake is in identifying "Time" and "Method_of_measuring_time" -- but these are different entities.

This is an erroneous statement:
but this -- "Method_of_measuring_time"
it's not "Time".

Time as such does not depend on any process adopted by the observer for its own convenience of measurement.
Time itself is external to the observer.
I realise that this is difficult to realise.


Here, for example:

1) there is a picture of an empty room;

2) there is a 5-minute video of an empty room in which nothing changes;

All the frames of the video are indentical to each other, and each frame of the video is identical to the photograph.

Is there time here, or is there none? ;))


I hope this very simplistic example helps to direct thought towards understanding.

Of course there is))) video is an example of time quantization and is characterized by frame rate)

There is a closed system with no objects (vacuum). Nothing is happening or interacting. There are no processes. Where does time come from? It is different when interacting objects appear be it atoms, molecules or macroobjects. If they began to interact, the system changes and this can be observed. You can say internal time has appeared. If there is a cyclic process, it can be taken as a time scale and all events of the system can be registered in relation to it. Common time for the system appeared.

If the observer recorded a vacuum on video, then there is time in the system of the observer in relation to which the system of quantization (frame recording) is constructed.

it's not about frame rate
it's not about frame rate

"And God created the weekend, so that traders might be likened to Him, and might better see the difference between Time and 'time', between Eternity and the chart, between Territory and maps..."

"Great is His wisdom, for He is neither superstitious nor misled by paradoxes arising solely from the confusion of logical types..."

"The Lord is humble, for He understands that He can never create that stone which He could not lift..."

(c) the gospel of the MetaDriver


We're not talking about a frame rate.

well then explain what is time in a vacuum without an observer and his system.

Imagine before the creation of the world)) emptiness. No objects or observers with their dynamical systems. Basically there is nothing. What is there in time?