The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 172


If you make some money on FOREXe without investing your own money and share 50% of it (after all taxes), that's enough for me.))

I'm more interested in discussing tantamount bars than sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.

If you are a regular market maker and you have not deposited your money in FOREX, then you don't need to do anything else - you just might need to wait for the price to be right or you will get a wrong message.


What do you do with them? If it's not a secret, of course.

No secret. Long time ago I encountered the problem that market fluctuation frequencies are fluctuating, back when gpwr put out the extrapolator.

There are suspicions that it is because of bar slicing. Theoretically with true slicing the frequencies should stop floating and all TA instruments as one will start giving profits :)

I haven't been doing it for a long time and I'm not doing it now, but if the conversation is interesting I might get involved.


I'm more interested in discussing tantamount bars than sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.

I'd rather have an equal-volume bar, as tiki is mostly a beard.

What is an "equalitarian bar"? In my opinion, it is a dead-end branch.

and "equal-volume" to the same.


If you write - Extrapolation, it is clearer. And I take it you just want to equal the number of letters, letters removed ))))

And what makes you think it's not the other way around? )

I think if you write the word - KTYAIA .little will understand what it is

If you write - Extrapolation, it will be clearer. And I take it you just want to take out the letters through an equal number of letters ))))

With letters, the example is not very correct. What is a tick flow? is a change in price (and not always an equal change, but in a relatively small spread).

The time constant, on the other hand, has been taken by the ear here. If you extrapolate the tick stream there is no time there.

But as soon as the transition to bars occurs there is a time slice. But this means that you take points with different intervals as approximation points.

There's no matter how you spin it, the frequencies will start to drift. If only the tick activity in the neighboring bars had smooth changes, but it does not. The bars do not correlate with each other in terms of tick activity at all.


Maybe I'm not an expert on allegories. Also we should take into account the specifics of the TS. If the system has a large margin of thickness then all ticks don't matter.

You can also slice the equivalent of monthly bars from equal bars. So a minimal change changes the nature of the roughest TS.

Imagine that you are made up of four elements, hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon. But then, bang, carbon was replaced with silicon, and you are no longer you, but a stone sculpture moving at a speed of 2 steps per month (that's how it is in allegory).


(Just a shrug of the shoulders) Somehow I don't want to prove anything. It's something of a tactics and strategy )))) .

Personally I prefer to operate with a complete set of data and not fantasize, extrapolation or interpolation ?

( And once again - it's all about TC.)

So no one is abolishing TC, but as they say everything gets better with bluetooth :)

If the raw data is less distorted, any TC should benefit.

SZZ think for a moment, the current story does not fit any known probability distribution!!!


The claim of "equalness" or "equal-volume" is no less a distortion of reality than "equal-timing". Therefore, to claim that one or the other "equal..." is advantageous requires, at the very least, a comparison of them. And it seems to me that such a comparison would not be in favour of the exotic.


The claim of "equalness" or "equal-volume" is no less a distortion of reality than "equal-timing". Therefore, to claim that one or the other "equal..." is advantageous requires, at the very least, a comparison of them. And it seems to me that such a comparison would not be in favour of the exotic.

Suggest a way (method) of comparison?