The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 121


A few introductory words about the beautiful UDS theory.



Then there are some wonderful mathematical constructions. But I don't think that's appropriate here, so I'll stop ;)

Interesting. But I don't think the market gives a damn what you professors have calculated here...

Самый прекрасный опыт, какой мы только можем испытать, — это опыт ощущения тайны. Это фундаментальное чувство, которое стоит у истоков подлинного искусства и подлинной науки. Любой, кому это чувство незнакомо и кто не может больше задаваться вопросами, не может восхищаться, все равно что мертв, и глаза его застилает туман.

Albert Einstein

I understand you very well! But I daresay that scientists will not find a mathematical model of the market until they find a mathematical model of the human brain. And when they do, the market will no longer be needed.
What do scientists have to do with it?)) If everyone buys a grail for a ruble on the internet somewhere, the market will collapse. There will be no one to lose))
nothing in the world is perfect, even the market is not perfect. everything is ruled by evolutionary prossesses, and imagine the market too, the market can win and not bad, but the algorithms have to be better than everyone else !!!!
It's all worked out. Now take the check AND = H +P

See for yourself. What we are interested in is the initial section, not their asymptotics. And what prevents you from taking the sum... (the error is hidden in the transformations).

So I'm going to use the sum -- as in the original idea.

I want to do a more advanced analysis system, so it will take a bit longer.


See for yourself. What we are interested in is the initial section, not their asymptotics. And what prevents you from taking the sum... (the error is hidden in the transformations).

So I'm going to use the sum -- as in the original idea.

I want to do a more advanced analysis system, so it will take a bit longer.

How do you calculate the integrals? Please give the numerical values of I, P and H at the point of greatest divergence and the value of t at that.

Try to calculate them like this, for example, with t=2:

I = GAMMARASP(t/t;n;1;1) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;2.954197002;1;1)=0.682256914

P = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;1) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;3.954197002;1;1)=0.465336551

H = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;0) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;3.954197002;1;0)=0.216920364

N + N = 0.465336551 + 0.216920364 = 0.682256915

Where do you see the discrepancy?


How do you calculate the integrals? Please give the numerical values of I, P and H at the point of greatest divergence and the value of t at that.

Try to calculate them like this, for example, with t=2:

I = GAMMARASP(t/t;n;1;1) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;2.954197002;1;1)=0.682256914

P = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;1) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;3.954197002;1;1)=0.465336551

AND = GAMMARASP(t/t;n+1;1;0) = GAMMARASP(2/0.577292852;3.954197002;1;0)=0.216920364

N + I = 0.465336551 + 0.216920364 = 0.682256915

Where do you see the discrepancy?

You've got something mixed up.