[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 443

Technicians and fundamentalists.... Nothing new.... Mix it up and think .... why do you need an aeroplane? A rocket is better ... And fly where???

the rich have their own whims ))))

Moscow was almost washed away today... Global warming, though (((.


And we got hit with a hailstorm yesterday. I'll put a sell with a trailing stop at 100 and go to bed now.


And we got hit with a hailstorm yesterday. I'll put a sell with a trailing stop at 100 and go to bed now.

Anything can happen.... Better tomorrow))) We should be happy about the win in Greece ))))

Anything can happen.... Better tomorrow)))

Whatever. Mushsh will deposit the money, if anything)))
How do you know about the stops? Do you have Level 3?

Take any literature on money management and look at the statistics - the crowds, and go against common methods!

The market was created in order to entice people to go there and take them down - by feeding them tehanalysis and other nonsense - and it is not the stock market that is being promoted, but the currency because it's all from the Rothschild clan and the The Committee of 300 - they created it all, for the purpose of world order and the general manipulation of the crowd -

Most people follow the trend? - So they've been chasing us puppets to one side - before they put the word out to the media - and the corrupt analysts -

The forerunners of the Freemasons - the Knights Templar justified the banking concept and created the bond market as a means of controlling the European nobility at the expense of war debts. By the 13th century the Templars had used the gold looted during the Crusades to buy 9,000 castles across Europe and were running an empire that stretched from Copenhagen to Damascus. They laid the foundations for modern usury banking methods and legitimised interest payments for the use of credit. Branches of Templar banks appeared all over the world, supported by ill-gotten gold. Their interest could be as high as 60% on loans. They promoted the concept of trust accounts and introduced a system of credit cards for pilgrims to the Holy Land. They acted as tax collectors, although they themselves were exempt from taxes. They built the great cathedrals of Europe using secret building techniques which, along with gold, they stole from Solomon's Temple. The stained glass windows used in the cathedrals were made using a secret Gothic technology known to few. One ofthose who mastered it to perfection was Omar Khayvam, a good friend of Hasan bin Sabah, the founder of the Assassin order.

The Pyramid is an important symbol for the Illuminati bankers. They use the Triads, Trinity and Trinity to create a society in which the Grail elite rule. The Pyramid symbolises the minority ruling the masses. The Brotherhood of the Serpent worshipped the Trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus, who may have been the offspring of Annunaki. The Brotherhood extended the Trinity concept to Christian (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Hindu (Brahma, Shiva and Krishna) and Buddhist (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) faiths as well.

David Icke believes that the Rothschilds represent the head of the Annunaki Serpent Kings and said: "Before them (the Rothschilds) were indebted the heads of the European royal houses, including the Black Nobility and the Habsburgs, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 600 years. The Rothschilds also control the Bank of England. If there was no war, the Rothschilds were operating behind the scenes, artificially creating conflicts and funding both sides of it."


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to create a society ruled by the Grail elite. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Let me tell you all a secret, they sponsored the whole world to have internet - global network - unified network whatever you want to call it - the main router is in the US if you turn it off the whole world will be without internet -



Whatever. Mushshch will deposit the money, if anything)))

Poor mushushushush))))

Poor mushshhh)))

Poor poor guy ))))


Poor mushshch))))
I wouldn't marry a poor one, and they're too clever, the poor ones, I don't like them)))

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to create a society ruled by the Grail Elite. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Re-read the title of the thread you are posting in again )))