[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 34

Will the eu go to 1.41???
the slides are reasonable... the backlash should have been very much there and it was...
So... Let's start moving north.... By my reckoning he's already rolled back enough and is now taking off.

What caused these gases?

Was it the earthquake again?


Poured down )))


Poured down )))

Demolymons .... you didn't finish the thought )))
Demolymons .... you didn't finish the thought )))

Demolymons )))
Demolymons .... you didn't finish the thought )))

we can continue - the eu has underperformed the logic of an upward correction - that means > the lower target is close and from there to a new high^
1.4211 broken through...

Demolymons )))) Reallocopies )))) Whatever. One more week of testing and put it on the real ))))