[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 408

Euro up against the dollar and up against the yen. Dollar up against the yen. Who will fall later, the dollar or the euro?

The euro will not fall again, the dollar against the yen will fall all the time (interventions lift it)
China is ready to help Europe

China will continue to invest in the European sovereign bond market, Premier Jiabao said at the weekend.

"China has increased its purchases of government bonds of some European countries, which shows our confidence in the eurozone," the premier stressed.

Jiabao and British Prime Minister Cameron will meet in London today as part of the start of another week of talks on how to eliminate the threat of a Greek default.

The Chinese premier decided to pay a visit to Europe amid renewed concern over the region's ability to tackle the debt crisis.

"China is ready to work with Europe to ensure a stable growth in the global economy," the premier added.

Keyword: ECONOMY
Why should I give you the keys to the car and watch you drive it? I told you how it works, why and when) everyone is so lazy that they want caviar in their mouths.
I wish I had the keys, but it's just... colored. You didn't tell me anything, that's the point. You're either on the break or on the rebound, and without any stops.

The Euro will not fall again, the USD against the Yen will fall all the time (interventions are raising it)

And this option will work - a clear butterfly on H1...


And this option will do the trick - a clear butterfly on H1...

maybe next month.
The following options expire today at 18.00 Moscow time:

* Euro/Dollar; $1.4100, $1.4160, $1.4200
* Dollar/Yen; Y80.10, Y80.30, Y80.50, Y81.00, Y82.00
* Pound/dollar; $1.5900, $1.6115
The following options expire today at 18.00 Moscow time:
with currency futures, how are they doing?
The Fed will remain the biggest purchaser of Treasuries even after the second round of quantitative easing ends this week.

While QE2 is coming to an end, on June 22 the Fed announced its intention to continue buying Treasuries, which could mean $300bn worth of government debt purchases over the next 12 months without adding money to the financial system.

The central bank, which pumped $2.3 trillion into the financial system after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.in September 2008, will continue buying Treasuries to keep market rates low amid slowing economic growth.

Gather the train - who wants to sell EUR JPY - there's 71% to buy )

What was that?