[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 353

Options expiring today
11:07, 22.06.2011
At 18.00 Moscow time the following options expire

* EUR/USD; $1.4450, $1.4400, $1.4350, $1.4340, $1.4320, $1.4300,

$1.4275, $1.4500

* Dollar/yen; Y80.00, Y80.50, Y80.65, Y80.75

* Pound/dollar; $1.6250, $1.6150, $1.6100, $1.6075

* Ozzie; $1.0540, $1.0550, $1.0600, $1.0610, $1.0660
sold 4410 target 4325
sold 4410 target 4325
If it does go down, it won't make it...

For all those undecided as to which way to plunge, I suggest you look out for a nice GP on the EUR AUD. The targets are promising.

Hm )))) Is the pound taking on a life of its own from the euro? )))
Hmm ))) Has the pound taken on a life of its own from the euro? ))))
Minutes of the latest Bank of England meeting. Highlights :
  • June's decision was passed 7 to 2;
  • Dale and Weale voted to raise the key interest rate by 25 basis points;
  • Posen voted to extend the quantitative easing programme by £50bn;
  • downside risks to inflation increased in May.
Hm )))) Is the pound taking on a life of its own from the euro? )))

I had signals in different directions during the night. Naturally, I went to the fence. And for nothing.

Pound collapses 40 pct to $1.6158 after central bank dovish minutes published

12:37, 22.06.2011
While the hawkish reduction in the ranks was forecast, the market reacted by selling the British pound to the accompanying cautious comments from the central bank.

The pound/dollar pair marked a peak low around $1.6154. Bids are marked at $1.6150, a break there would clear the way to $1.6110/00.

Euro/sterling broke through stg0.8900 and marked a high at stg0.8914, but here encountered offers placed in the area of stg0.8915/25.

Hm )))) And that the pound from the euro has taken on a life of its own? )))

news on the pound:

waiting for the bet))))

There's a sharp movement in the market, I go straight to the forum to read Margarita, well done, well done. God bless you girl.