[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 360


Vodka bears, the archetypal association

Oh, my God! At a time like this... ...and the feet have been blown off...
No - it's for you...

Thank you! Indeed, there are so many sources of information, one can get confused... :)
Evgeniy Romanov 22.06.2011 - 16:43 (GMT time)

Default. The inability to pay one's obligations. You can look it up in the dictionary. And I'll just tell you a very old story. There was a very wild time when tanks were firing at the White House. I was flying on a plane from Austria. Across the aisle in front of me sits a very important uncle, very smug and self-satisfied. Squeamishly arrogant. Flying in airplane and not in business for some reason, but in Soviet crowd he is so smug. Angry in general. He has a laptop on the table. He's counting contracts. So a businessman flies to Moscow. And I look casually - he's got a hole in the back of his shoe. Like a moccasin, but there's a hole in the leather. Either he wiped it off, or some mouse ate it. That's the default. It's when you're showing off, looking arrogant, at someone else's expense. I assure you, all those evil ones, at other people's expense, they'll end badly. The Greeks are kind, but... I won't go on. The Spaniards are wicked, they say I haven't lived with them. Do you think Spain will get away with it? Think about it, what will they pay? They're all doing very well, but what are they going to pay with? Houses were built to sell, house building is irrelevant. Agribusiness? It won't get everyone out. They have a concept of "millionaires", university graduates with a salary of a thousand euros. A long time ago, about ten years ago. Where does the money come from? Bills of exchange, promissory notes, bonds and treasury notes, it's all good, it all works for a while. And then the time comes when you have to pay. Debts. And everyone needs your money. And you have nothing but Austrian holes. No oil. No gold. You're offering an overpriced hotel? Live there yourself. Can I have the money? I don't have any. And away we go, geese swans. Uh-oh. Apart from Germany I can count those who do not live at someone else's expense, but earn their living. Holland. Sweden. Denmark. Well, sorry to offend anyone. There's a big hole in the eurozone. On the heel. Not visible to everyone. And when there is the prospect of default, all interested investors (creditors) want to get. Immediately and a lot. And they start to look closely - where do you, my dear, have holes? And nothing good will come of it, I assure you. Russia fell in 1998, but it was not too integrated then. Not for nothing is Merkelchikha fussing, not for nothing is she encouraging speculators to grow the eur. Better 2 dollars for the eu than the eu equal to a hole. And there are holes. Austria has them, you know it. Poor Greece is publicly exposed, but it's not the Greeks. It is not about Greeks, obviously...


Thank you! Indeed, there are so many sources of information, one can get confused... :)
That's at first, then you get used to it...

Makes perfect sense to me. I thought you were asking about bulls and Martinis.

He was referring to the browser, not the news source

I know :)))

NEW YORK, June 23. /Dow Jones/. US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday eased market talk of another round of stimulative bond purchases, providing support for the US dollar.

> Bernanke did not say directly that there will never be further quantitative easing in his speech after the Open Market Committee statement was announced but he made it pretty clear that it is highly unlikely.


Spread between Italian... - For every pipsqueak, a different duck, why does no one bring up the debts of Japan and the US?

2. A martini is diluted vodka with dissolved chupa-chups.

3. Ferry Fox is a pathetic semblance of opera, with kolkhoz tuning and named almost like a detergent for housewives.

Good night.



I'm sorry...