end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 17


You've got it all wrong.

Is the rate you quoted the rate at which the bank will lend to you?

Not exactly, the interest rate is the rate at which the Central Bank lends to commercial banks,

Commercial banks give retail loans to the public with a mark-up.


Many now do not believe that the euro will rise to 1.72 by the autumn...

There have been many such predictions. Not one has come true yet.

Not exactly, the interest rate is the rate at which the Central Bank lends to commercial banks,

and commercial banks are retailing loans to the public with a mark-up.

so what is your counterargument Leo then? if you yourself understand that your premise is false...

so what is your counterargument to Leo then? if you yourself understand that your premise is false...

The unofficial inflation rate is orders of magnitude higher than the official rate, so I don't see the false premise here.

The unofficial inflation rate is orders of magnitude higher than the official rate, so I don't see the false message here.
Academician, go back to school

The unofficial inflation rate is orders of magnitude higher than the official one, so I don't see the false message here.

What do official and unofficial inflation rates have to do with it?

Your example:


OK, another example:

The current interest rate in the US = 0.25%. Official inflation in the USA = 1%.

Current interest rate in Europe = 1.25%. The official inflation rate in Europe is around 2%.

However, banks in Europe and the U.S. do lend. Does this mean that they are losing money?

Suppose a US commercial bank took a loan from the Central Bank at 0.25% per annum. It gives a loan to a natural or legal person at 0.3% per annum. Where does it have a loss here? How does the unofficial inflation rate affect the profitability/loss of this commercial bank's operation?
NYROBA: The unofficial inflation rate is orders of magnitude higher than the official rate, so I don't see a false message here.

The false message is that we should not mix flies with cutlets.

Never say never, we'll see.

The current Euro quote is 1.42, many do not believe the Euro will rise to 1.52 any time soon,

and by the fall of 2011 it will be at 1.72...

If you consider yourself a wave analyst and make such grim forecasts, you should know that you have a serious opponent, who did wave analysis and made a name for himself in it, while you were lying in the cradle with talcum powder. Your opponent's address, is on the chart, (just so you don't strain yourself, it's a chart marked Prechter & Co").


If you find the opinion of Prechter, the METR of Wave Analysis, not worthy of attention, then, here is the opinion of another METR of Wave Analysis, Glenn Neely, whose system you have so ruthlessly simplified (I do not consider the reasons for this barbarism). The METR, assumes that with 22.02.2011. onthe American stock market has come 1 - 2 year tendency to fall, which will lead to POSSIBLE, significant increase in energy costs , with all the ensuing consequences, i.e. it assumes that the deflation is coming. Yes, the PPI (Producer Price Index) will change dramatically, many goods and services will become cheaper, but, you do not know the main thing, that the PPI does not cover the price of imported goods, and oil for the US is one, hence, from ignorance, you have wrong judgement, like oil10 dollars. This is nonsense. For a more detailed understanding of Glenn Neely's opinion, here is the original article. I don't think you have a problem with a foreign language, you can figure it out on your own and stop raving.

February 22, 2011 - Today, the U . S. stock market experienced a major selloff, falling more than 2%. According to Glenn Neely,Wave theory expert and founder of NEoWave Institutethis confirms the end of the rally off November 30, 2010 's low and probably the end of the bull market that began at 2009 's low

. Neely warned subscribers to the NEoWave Trading and Forecasting services that a "major event" was on the horizon. In preparation, Mr . Neely instructed trading customers to go Short, right at last Friday's high and clsoe, which is currently the top - tick of the month!

Applying NEoWave's advanced market confirmation techniques, Mr

. Neely .

Neely explains that today's collapse confirms the end of an old pattern and the start of a new one. This new pattern suggests a 1 - to 2 - year bear market has begun and will likely result in a 30+% drop in market valuation.

While economic conditions have improved greatly since 2009's low, NEoWave warns a new downturn (lasting 1 - to 2 - years) is beginning


As is always the case, markets anticipate future economic reality. While news has been improving, wave structure warns the U . S stock market has turned a corner, setting the stage for an "echo" of the 2008 / 2009 financial crisis - but this time with a new twist. Instead of financial institutions and real estate markets being devastated, Mr. Neely suspects the most likely justification for the crisis is the fact that the U.S. stock market is not the only one. Neely suspects the most likely justification for this future market decline will be severe financial problems for federal, state and local governments. The result could be local and national transportation disruptions, public service problems and government employee layoffs around the country. Other circumstances that might justify a 30+% decline in the stock market could be a substantial increase in the cost of energy or a drastic increase

in the value of the U . S . dollar ( i.e. deflation ).

The unofficial inflation rate is orders of magnitude higher than the official rate, so I don't see a false message here.

The losers from any inflation are those who are in the cache, or have fixed incomes in that currency. And for the Fed, money costs the price of its production, and given that the bulk of it is digital, it's cheap))) So in fact it's the ordinary citizens of the country and those who hold the dough in that currency who pay for the whole banquet, and everyone else won't hurt themselves. That is why, for example, Kudrin's policy of accumulating huge reserves in various currencies is very dubious. The growth of gold reserves is offset by their depreciation. Raw materials to the wind))) And how can all investment assets not become more expensive in these conditions?