New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 402 - page 5


There's no connection today. The terminal reports an "error error" and most importantly, the tester window has lost all symbols and there's no way to start it up. Confucius would be here, said then that "signs and symbols rule the world, not the word and not the law. But the terminal sometimes exclaims loudly and triumphantly that communication has been restored, neatly writing in the status bar that there has been a terrible "omniscient error". No one can say who this foul error is - only great faith will save and everything will be as in the sermon of the Jewish Christ the Saviour.

I even reset the terminal for good measure, it went from 401 to 399. They don't keep it here anymore. And still... neither ál-parú nor forex-clýb is responding. And they're the holders of our hard-earned wealth. It's an attack... Where do we find these financial means now? In the Seychelles? To get a tan... I guess I will have to go to Crawford, the only just organization that is the light of democracy, the areopagus of modern speculative Russias, consisting solely of the holders of our material resources.

Don't worry - it's the same with me - I get the same - it writes - a random error with the occasional audible reminder to reconnect, but it stays as it is - with characters disappearing, but the owl can be edited by calling ME4 from under the strategy tester window.
Just now (over the weekend) I was able to update. Everything seems to be OK. Maybe this will help the developers to find the cause
Older versions of the terminal don't understand .ex4 files compiled by the new 226 compiler \ 229 terminal <-> compiler 399?
#include <FileMappingGDV.mqh>

int    MemorySize     = 64000;                       
int    FileMapIndex      = 0;     
string sComment;

string FileConst="Ind_GBP1";

int init()
   string s;
   FileMapIndex = FileMapCreate(FileConst, MemorySize); // Создаём отображение.
   sComment = "Отображение \"" + FileConst + "\" создано. Индекс: " + FileMapIndex + "\n\n";  

int start()
   string s;
   s="Пишем в отображение";
   sComment = sComment + "Записываем строку типа STRING: (" + FileMapWriteString(FileMapIndex, s) + ")  \"" + s + "\"\n";    

The above code works fine.

But!!.. if you make just one correction, and make FileConst external parameter (add the word external)

then an attempt to close the Expert Advisor in a terminal window will cause a terminal crash!

I do not know what it has to do with it, but I've checked it dozens of times - if the parameter is external, the terminal crashes when deinitializing the EA.

Crash log below

Filename    : mt4clw.B3334E786A3C87A0B3A19FE7CCDE64AB
Time        : 2011.06.06 14:28
Program     : MetaTrader 4 Terminal
Version     : 400.402 (11 May 2011)
Revision    : 2414
OS          : Windows 7 Professional 6.1  (Build 7600)
Processors  : 4 x Intel Core i5  M 430 @ 2.27 GHz
Memory      : 845 free of 2047 Mb
Virtual     : 1878 free of 2047 Mb
Exception   : C0000005 at 77932073 write to CFB83001

Modules     : 00400000 0055 A000 terminal.exe
            : 10000000 00020000 anvirhook631.dll
            : 3 AA00000 000 A3000 lvhook.dll
            : 027 B0000 0017 E000 spcapbtn.dll
            : 74960000 00008000 pshook.dll
            : 04 C30000 00038000 btmmhook.dll
            : 01 CF0000 0003 E000 rentasignal.dll
            : 6 F710000 00025000 mdnsnsp.dll
            : 6 F6E0000 00027000 wlidnsp.dll
            : 6 D9F0000 00026000 scrchpg.dll
            : 039 B0000 0005 F000 filemappinggdv.dll

77931 F49:00012 A [77932073] RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize (ntdll.dll)
77931 F49:00007 E [77931 FC7] RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize (ntdll.dll)
77779894:000039 [777798 CD] free (msvcrt.dll)
0041 F970:0000 FA [0041 FA6A] #337 (terminal.exe)

Registers   : EAX=CFB83001 CS=001 b EIP=77932073 EFLGS=00010206
            : EBX=F0AF0301 SS=0023 ESP=0012 FA04 EBP=0012 FA38
            : ECX=00001 EF9 DS=0023 ESI=05 EE57EB FS=003 b
            : EDX=00000000 ES=0023 EDI=F0AF0000 GS=0000
Updated 2011.05.06 14:51:35 IFX Trader 4.00 build 402 started (InstaForex Companies Group)

and the Volumes indicator does not show any histograms, of course they are there, but they are so paltry, as if there is no trade. What can it be? The DC assures that the data from the server arrives without failure.


The above code works fine.

But!!.. if you make just one correction, and make FileConst external (add the word external)

then an attempt to close the Expert Advisor in a terminal window will cause a terminal crash!

I do not know what it has to do with it, but I've checked it dozens of times - if the parameter is external, the terminal crashes when deinitializing the EA.

Crash log below

Check out

I don't know where to write and where but I'll risk it here - Developers check why e-mail sending by signal function doesn't work. Sending a message and settings ip and ports all prescribed - tested - works,

When I create a signal and select the Email function instead of SOUND - it even in the test does not work with the enabled mail function, I would be more comfortable to use the E-mail message - about the point reached in the quote - after restarting the terminal why is it automatically reapplies SOUND


The above code works fine.

But!!.. if you make just one correction, and make FileConst external parameter (add the word external)

then an attempt to close the Expert Advisor in a terminal window will cause a terminal crash!

I do not know what it has to do with it, but I've checked it dozens of times - if the parameter is external, the terminal crashes when deinitializing the EA.

Crash log below

Check your dll. It looks like you are writing extra to the FileConst line.

Why such behavior? Because the normal strings are distributed with some reserve in a special string pool. Input strings are allocated exactly in size and in regular memory, because it's not supposed to change them further.


Profit in pips sorted in descending order.

The terminal doesn't seem to be confident in doing this.


Profit in pips sorted in descending order.

The terminal doesn't seem to be confident in doing this.

This is due to the fact that the point value is different for different pairs...