New Forex - page 18


P.S. So - Chorus. Melodically: "TadjikistOOOon (long) - far, wondrous land, TadjikistOOOon - and you go and na - na - na - na..........".

The forum does not discriminate on the basis of nationality. On the contrary. So it is in vain that you incite national enmity.
The forum does not discriminate on the basis of nationality. On the contrary. So you are stirring up national hatred for nothing.

What kind of hate speech can there be? - There's a song on my mind, I can't remember it all... And here it's just on point... So it's okay. You shouldn't say that. I meant it in a different context - don't you get it... :-)))

P.S. When I read the posts of my respected Yusuf Hoxha, for some reason this song comes to my mind at once, and I can't help it, so I wanted to share my joy with the public, that's all. I underline - that's it. :-))) Maybe someone will remember and continue...and I've forgotten the words further.

This isn't a joke? - managed to pull up secret material about the tap?
There was a secret scientist called Polyschinel who is often referred to in order to give prominence to his work. I have a few of those "secret" speakers in my toilet.
The picture with a description was taken without any changes from AC 1035571 under the name of Yu. It's just that the spelling of the surnames has changed now.

There was a secret scientist called Polichinelle, who is often referred to in order to give prominence to his work. I have several such "secret" ACs pasted on my toilet.
The picture with a description was taken without any changes from AC 1035571 in the name of Y. Sultanov. Now the spelling of the names has just changed.

A closed work can contain open sections, but vice versa - you really can't! Can this fact really be the subject of discussion?
A closed work can contain open sections, but the other way round - you really can't! Can this fact really be the subject of discussion?
Take it with humour, everything is allowed today, it's that kind of day :))

There you go! I told you - the regulator!

There was a secret scientist called Polichinelle, who is often referred to in order to give prominence to his work.

Nah, I don't play like that. They don't even let you take advantage of the achievements of the other great scholar Aesop, they pull you straight to Judge Zugunder :))

Much will become clear from the cited link, which specifies by whom, when and for what purpose this genie was released from a bottle, from which the official authorities who created it are refusing, but willingly use its services at the right time, but did not warn about its terrible properties, like unpredictability due to uncontrollability, noting only that it is a kind of business with high risk of loss. It is so cleverly contrived that the commodity you purchased, which is currency, can disappear in the blink of an eye, even though you intended to risk only a negative increment in the value of the currency if your trading strategy fails, as happens with any commodity purchased for commercial purposes, and forex swings the entire value of the commodity and successfully manages this fiscal policy. The paradox is that the commodity purchased for business purposes disappears entirely into an increment of that same currency. You can console yourself with the fact that your commodity hasn't actually disappeared, but it has helped the currency gain a new competitive value, but that doesn't make your wallet feel any better. In the new Forex there should be no room for the very possibility of disappearance of the currency, though the commercial risk should be kept within reasonable limits like in the common market. This can be achieved by giving only you the right, within the value of the vanished currency, to open a sell operation at any time you want, and not to anyone who has nothing to do with bringing the value of the currency to such a high level that it became possible to steam in a sell operation! In case of unfavourable circumstances, i.e. a decrease in the value of the currency you have purchased, you should be able to wait for the situation with the currency in your hands, even if slightly devalued, it will certainly recover in value and bring you profit, because the brokerage companies will try by all means to buy it out from you, namely to buy it out and not to lure it out as they do now.

You may open (1:1) account without leverage, but you need a lot of money to make more or less significant profit. But to withdraw such a deposit one needs to be a millionaire.

Margin trading was invented so that there would be more opportunities for "ordinary mortals" to make money.

... I think you knew that without me.


I am beginning to think that Forex is not a market at all, because market laws do not apply.

Why such a conclusion? There is supply and demand for a particular currency, where the main player is the central bank that controls the currency ... Everything works... We're just speculators...