New Forex - page 15


probably one professor and a second young companion (maybe a son or acquaintance), but who is not afraid to show his ignorance.

The professor pushes the topic, and the companion finishes the job


I sometimes get the feeling that two different people are logged in under the username yosuf.

It's very well traced through his posts, his style, sentence construction and number of questions.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I would say that one yosuf logs in early in the morning or late in the evening and the other in the middle of the day.

TadjikistOON (long) faraway wonderland.... The order came and you go and na-na-na..... Oh how many of them believing in a child's dream came ta-ta and ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-.... No offence to the topicstarter Yusuf...

It's just a song, that's all.

One word - East you know... The thing is subtle and tricky ... :-)))

P.S. Yes - at lunchtime - there is a kind of reincarnation - I repeat... East...

Uh-huh, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde...
yosuf: If the forum administration allows me to publish an article here, I would be happy to do so, and at the same time it would be possible to discuss pricing issues in general in detail. maybe the moderators can clarify something?
Of course, of course, Yusufkhoja, there can be no doubt!
Of course, of course, Yusufhoja, there can be no doubt about it!

Then I will drop the article for publication in two versions, the dependence of profit on price and on trade margins, thank you. If you don't mind, we'll discuss it in this thread.
Then I will drop the article for publication, thank you.
It would be good to publish tomorrow.
It would be good to publish tomorrow.

Tomorrow is in every way an ideal day to publish this kind of thing :)

Yes, it will be interesting to watch.

As for:


I mean, with a reliable depot, can I wait out a reverse rise or can't I?
don't wait, but if the system gives a reverse signal, reverse and preferably on a pullback. The more often you make trades, the bigger your profits will be. The risk per trade is 1% of the invested funds (by the way, you don't have to keep all the funds in the depo).

I get the idea that Forex is not a market at all, because market laws do not apply here. In a real market, when you sell a product at a low price, you sell a lot, but the profit will be less, i.e. there is a first break-even point. An attempt to increase the price leads to a decrease in sales and the profit made is only enough to cover costs and this second break-even point. between these two prices there is an optimum selling price, which provides you with the maximum profit. Do any of these laws hold in Forex or other stock markets? Of course not. Here any amount of goods can be sold at any price, which contradicts the basic law of the market. Forex, as a child of the monopoly era, cannot but bear the imprint of its time. The seeming absolute liquidity of the goods, which you do not meet in the market conditions, is realized here. Therefore, we must first find out whether this is a market at all, and what the laws of pricing should be, and if there are no regularities, then it is lawlessness, the market should be governed by the laws of supply and demand, which do not exist on the market. So I propose to invent a new forex with the signs of a real market, where it will be more interesting to trade. Let's try to formulate together the basic rules of the new market, as close to the real market as possible, the laws of formation of profit in which I have recently formulated depending on the purchase and sale price of goods, fixed and variable costs, and this pattern, true for the real market, will also operate within the new forex. I will try to make such a thread to thoroughly analyze everything and bring the future market closer to the real one. I propose to present my vision of the problem.

The real economy and its principles are a radically different world from the financial and speculative one...

This pattern exists, I do not deny it, but it turns out that it is not for the human mind, but for the computer, and why is there such a market, if a person cannot make sense of it by the power of his mind? Then it is not a market, where a person could adequately demonstrate his skills in analysing situations. Forex is a mixture of monopoly, uncontrolled random processes and reverse trading logic.

it's not like machines have always traded... and as soon as the prototype of stock trading was born... not much has changed... there were more types of transactions, that's all.