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Read ("Flying" - Chapter V from Grebennikov's book "MY WORLD")

Grebennikov flew, but who is flying today?

Grebennikov flew, but who is flying today?

Vadim(Zhunko) "races" the anti-gravity aircraft to his dacha every day. ))

And I'm waiting for his drawings ))), I want to fly too.


Grebennikov was flying, but who is flying today?
That photo, where he appears to be flying, is taken from above. Which means that there is something underneath this device that should not be visible to the outside eye. There might be a short spring underneath the wooden platform.
That photo, where it appears to be flying, is taken from above. Which means that there is something underneath this device that should not be visible to the outside eye. Maybe there's a short spring underneath the wooden platform.

No, Papa Georges, it doesn't work. We're looking at the shadow and we don't see the "spring".

In fact, there is no reason not to believe Nerd.


No, PapaJohn, it doesn't work. Looking at the shadow and not seeing the "spring".

In fact, there's no reason not to believe Nerd.

If the power part (spring or some mechanism) is quite compact, there may be no shadow from it at this light drop (it will be in the shadow of the platform). And that wooden platform with the hardware reeks strongly of mechanics, and that "round device" on top is probably a dynamometer.


Those who are older should remember the rampant charlatanism in the late 80s and early 90s.


In fact, there is no reason not to believe Nerd Herd.

I don't see any reason not to.

In the originals, in the photo where he takes off, the photographer suddenly finds himself even higher and further away. Higher is to create the effect of the distant ground, i.e. rising up, further is to create the effect of removing the object, supposedly indicating movement.

you have to look from afar and you can see that the shadows are at different angles


The bottom picture is left-handed