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There is one inconsistency in your reasoning. For years I don't throw out cigarette butts through car windows, I only empty the ashtray into the trash, and I don't even dream about driving through red lights, and the shit managers have been leading the country to the abyss and they are still doing it.
I think I should quit smoking, maybe it will dissuade them?

Similar, with the difference that I don't smoke. But I don't throw out any wrappers/paper wrappers past the urns, I don't litter 'out in nature'.

What should I do so that the police can be reached, so that the courts take the side of the law rather than the state structure?

Personally, I am in favour of easy rotation of those we call "the authorities", and then they will be more likely to turn their faces to the people instead of their asses.


In the US, slavery was abolished in 1865, even later than serfdom in Russia.

But here, we are ahead of the rest of the world, in the 20th century a very large-scale attempt was made to return to serfdom through collectivisation and taking away passports from the peasants. And this happened because of the inability of the government to organise normal agricultural production. Incidentally, judging by the amount of imported foodstuffs on shop shelves, it still cannot.
There's one inconsistency in your reasoning. I haven't thrown out cigarette butts through my car window for years, I emptied my ashtray into the trash, I can't even drive through a red light in my darkest dreams, and the shit managers have led the country to the abyss and they are still doing it.
I think I should give up smoking altogether, maybe that will talk some sense into them.

You've got to be kidding me... go ahead, gray-haired humorist, meanwhile Swiss citizens in a referendum on Sunday voted against increasing annual paid leave from four weeks to six.

Humans, especially Russians, tend to want the impossible.
We want order like in Germany, but we want to be able to go to the woods for kebabs and have a cat at home without anyone's permission,
In February-March we want a climate like in the Canary Islands, but a snow mantle to make at least one during the winter.
you want cars and roads like in Europe, and to pay taxes like in Uganda
risks are minimal, profits are high and so on...

It doesn't work like that! And don't get all twisted, Victor, about cigarette butts and ashtrays.

Everyone is pulling his own weight: the one who gets a nail from the construction site and the other one gets a kickback from a government contract. This is the psychology of society, which has been fostered over decades. The task of the leaders of this mass chaos is just to keep the stability in the society and if it will be possible, to provide at least some development. But this is IMHO.


You want cars and roads like in Europe, and you want to pay taxes like in Uganda.
risks are minimal and incomes are high and so on...

It doesn't work like that! And don't get all twisted, Victor, about cigarette butts and ashtrays.

In my city, in the autumn of 2011 they are renovating the asphalt in the yards and driveways of the streets. Autumn smoothly turned into winter, They were paving asphalt at minus 10 ! At the same time, the budget is absorbed, the "authorities" only report to a higher "authority", and over the winter, the "repaired" asphalt has peeled off.

Everyone is taking care of his own business: who gets the nail from the construction site, and who gets the kickback from the government contract. This is the psychology of society, which has been fostered for decades. The task of the leaders of this mass lawlessness is simply to maintain stability in society and, if possible, to ensure at least some kind of development. But this is IMHO.

Tales from the zombie TV?
PapaYozh: In my city, they started fixing the asphalt in courtyards and on the streets in autumn 2011...

Didn't you, Dad, post the link about the road mafia and trampling asphalt with picks instead of five rollers? So who's messed up the road there? Ah, yes - of course the authorities...

Tales from the zombie TV?

No, not from the zombie TV, I wrote it in my opinion. And your asphalt example is more proof of that - everyone is raking in as much as his conscience (if any) allows him, from the bottom to the top and across the country as an even layer. Teachers in schools? They do! Doctors before surgery? Try not to give - it is scary! Shop assistants? From dipstick to E. coli! Masters in car repair shops? Just play the fool - you'll see!

So do not talk about "power". You have to start with yourself. Everyone.


Mmmm, excuse me, but who is this "power"? Does she, in your opinion, differ from the average homo sapien physiologically or intellectually? Well, or at least self-discipline, finally?

Like hell they are the same people who can't keep order in their own families, let alone in the country (region, district, industry, city, village, quarter, collective). And they do not differ from you and me in any way (I repeat - nothing!).

So please do not withdraw and absolve yourself of responsibility by dividing the categories of "power" - "not power". Instead, it is better to look around you, look at yourself from the outside and recall the last time you hit a cigarette butt (wrapper) in a bin, gave way in transportation or calmly let an awkward blond girl pass, ignored an attack or held back and did not become angry at someone, and simply forgave someone humanly!

You must begin with yourself. Everyone. I'm not talking specifically to you, Boris, I'm just... out loud.

Power is not about people, it's a structure made up of people that ultimately organizes the everyday life of people in society. Therefore, a single person is not power, but power can be represented by a single person.

Regarding responsibility:

I always throw my cigarette butts (cans) into a dustbin, I can even walk a reasonable distance to the dustbin. But if the nearest bin is on the other side of the street, I will probably just throw this small rubbish aside. And the more rubbish underfoot, the less able the authorities are to organise order in terms of cleanliness on the streets. And don't tell me that it's okay to put a stinking cigarette butt in your pocket or make and put a urn in a bin. Life in the megalopolis should be organized, not that people are bad. Of course this is a simple example of a domestic situation, but the principle is the same in the size of the country. If there are mountains of rubbish around, you need to change the government and not blame the people.

And about missing, ignoring, forgiving, or just smiling, no one has canceled the "Being determines consciousness", and our being is precisely what the authorities are doing. If all around are bandar-logs, then either this government must be changed, or people must be put in jail and shot. And if they don't shoot everyone, then eventually the people will change this government, and history will show whether it will be through a bloody riot or simple elections.


Everyone is taking care of his own business: who gets the nail from the construction site, and who gets the kickback from the government contract. This is the psychology of society, which has been fostered for decades. The task of the leaders of this mass lawlessness is simply to maintain stability in society and, if possible, to ensure at least some kind of development. But this is IMHO.

Your imho sucks - the task of leaders is not to maintain stability, but to finally bring order to their own laws and their own institutions, because they got bored with the hackneyed "the law does not work", then the state of the economy did not allow, then the transitional period, then... and now what? the police mayhem has remained, as they allocated money to combat corruption,they stopped taking even more and more often. Of course, I am not a supporter of killing animals, even if they are in bureaucratic positions, but at some stages of social formation there should be appropriate penalties for grave offenses, maybe it is too much, but their economy is working http://smisl-jizni.ru/smertnaya-kazn-v-kitae and apparently officials do not want to prevent them from working, and it is not profitable for them to take bribes - life is more expensive

Before, everyone was stealing. Now it's just the government. Is that why life used to be better than it is now?

What a thieving psychology the Russian man has! It's amazing.

A case in Germany. A Russian noticed that bricks were lying unguarded outside a house under construction. He drove up in his car and loaded the bricks into the boot. The German noticed it from the window of a neighbouring house and called the police. The Russian reacted in time to the approaching police car and unloaded the bricks back into the trunk. The policeman asked: "What are you doing here? The Russian explained: "I finished building my house, and there were bricks left over, I didn't want to throw them away. But I saw that somebody was building a house, so I thought they would come in handy. Policeman: No way! The policeman said: "No way! Take your bricks back and go away. The Russian loaded the boot, thanked the policeman and left).

Didn't you, Papa, post the link about the road mafia and the asphalt being trampled by a pickaxe instead of five passes of a roller? So, who ruined the road for you there? Ah, yes - of course the authorities...

You have to understand, the fish rots from the head.