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it was cheaper than a soda
You're joking, Andrei. It can't be.
At the cost of a can of 76-72 petrol at around 3-5 roubles, one could cheerfully run into the OBKhSS and get burnt to a fanfare.... The only people who had personal cars and did not really go to petrol stations were the ones who sold itto their own people (through a bribe). They wound up the necessary kilometres with a motor - by hacking into a speedometer (that's how the hackers appeared :). For a car without a speedometer and a motor was not considered complete (from a driver's humour)
much more appreciated the liquor, when a bottle of home-made wine (and I drove around the region (southern Ukraine, lots of vineyards)) I stored it behind the back of the seat (GAZ 53). And in the repair shop, a bottle of wine would solve a lot of problems in a jiffy :)

Eh, stirring up some nostalgia!

-You still walk inwardly in awe past the mile-long rows of liquor in the supermarket.
- You know the underlying meaning of the word 'chewing gum'.
-You remember that MS/HT is cool and very expensive.
-You still flinch if someone nearby says in a squeaky voice, "Pioneer Daybreak is on!"
-Mom used to send you to the bakery for "calorie buns" for 5 cents.
-Girls in your class constantly hummed: "Mari-i-ii-i-mirabe-e-l-l-l-a-a-a..."
-You've seen portraits of Gorbachev without a birthmark.
-When you say "sport" you think of Irina Rodnina's tears.
-And when you say "football" you think of Oleg Blokhin.
-Playboy is very, very cool porn.
-Celentano is the best Italian singer.
-It's weird that the other one in "Modern Talking" is also a man, with that hair and voice.
-McDonald's is the name of a fancy restaurant to you.
-You haven't forgotten who B.G. is.
-The first association with the word "Again..." - "Twenty-five!"
-You're sure that the best band in Europe is ABBA and America's best band is VopeUM.
-From the first bars of "Clash of the Fires", your hand tries to fix the knot of your pioneer tie.
-You've counted up how old you'll be in the year 2000 and you never thought you'd reach this ripe old age.
-You still can't believe there are 38 channels and 24-hour television.
-It turns out there are plenty of good tape recorders besides the SONY and the Panasonic.
-Electronic clocks with music are totally awesome.
-You remember, it's a shame to change the channel because you have to get out from under a warm blanket.
-The bananas grow in Moscow - you knew that for sure.
-At the word "Yeltsin," something warm inside you.

-You honestly think Makarevich didn't write anything better than "The Blue Bird".

........................................................................................................................................... the list is longiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn............................

(taken from barefoot.ru)


A 200 litre barrel of 76 petrol cost a litre of vodka)))

Diesel was not valued at all, it was so much that no one even counted it as fuel, locomotive drivers had so much of it, and at the end of the year the depot poured all the remaining fuel and lubricants into the ground))) BY CISTERNS!!!

You're joking, Andrei. It can't be.

So it's still cheaper than Pepsi now as it was then :)


So it's still cheaper than Pepsi now, as it was then :)

I didn't mean pepsi. Those machines were the size of fridges and they cost 3 kopeks a glass, i.e. 12 kopeks a litre.
I didn't mean Pepsi. These machines were the size of fridges, and sodas cost 3 kopeks a glass, i.e. 12 kopeks a litre.

That's right. And 76 petrol was 5.5 kopecks a litre :)
I didn't mean pepsi. They used to have machines the size of fridges and sodas cost 3 kopecks a glass, which was 12 kopecks a litre.

And now, buy a bottled soda or a can from a vending machine, also more expensive than petrol :)

Not everything can be measured by costs. And expenditure is not always an indicator that is 100% reflective of quality. Quality of culture, spiritual condition, quality of the environment, health, level of education, etc.

This is all child's nonsense - petrol, diesel was poured out.....

Especially for young people and speaking of "environmental quality" - in the Soviet Republic of Belarus, tens of tons of liquid rocket fuel was poured into the swamps every month. The liquid propellant in missile tanks has a limited shelf life, while it has to be in the tanks all the time - the missiles are always on alert! And due to its extreme toxicity it was extremely difficult to dispose of such quantities. And every month for all the years of Soviet power - into the swamps.