[Archive! - page 379


No no no, we need her in St. Petersburg.

Take Komarov.

You already had one and where is it now?

Don't take me there, otherwise it'll get ugly, especially in St. Petersburg.


You already had one and where is it now?

And you'd better not take me there, otherwise it's going to get ugly, especially in St. Petersburg.

Don't be ridiculous, captor. We had such a hard time getting rid of that unicorn.

hmm, suggestions?

I don't know . At least there's no point in dreaming about choosing a new good present in March.

I don't know . At least there is no point in dreaming about choosing a new good present in March.
Plain and simple: 'no point in dreaming of a choice', or 'no point in dreaming', or even simpler: 'no point'.

The CPRF (not, not the Communists, but the CPRF!) now has a bigger electorate than anyone else. Zyuganych might become as much of a problem in the Presidential elections as he was in 1996. Admittedly, it's not as scary as it was 15 years ago. The Duma "communists" are no longer communists, but rather social democrats.

Who else is there? Don't tell me it's the clean-cut Yavlinsky... Although, of course, photogenic, just like Yushchenko.

Navalny may well play the same role as Shoigu did in his time, making a party. But under which president?

Plain and simple: "no point in dreaming of a choice", or well, "no point in dreaming", you could make it even simpler: "no point".

I don't get the point at all.

The CPRF (not, not the Communists, but the CPRF!) now has a bigger electorate than anyone else. Zyuganych might become as much of a problem in the Presidential elections as he was in 1996. Admittedly, it's not as scary as it was 15 years ago. The Duma "communists" are no longer communists, but rather social democrats.

It's going to be an asshole. The entire protest electorate will choose Zyug. And he will have a stroke for his happiness.

And the CPRF, of course, will go to the polls. So much for "hello 1996"...

Pu cannot win the election the first time around without doing something extraordinary. And he only has 4 months of time. And stealing votes will be much more difficult now.

We've got to go.

Poo can't win the election the first time without doing something extraordinary. And he only has four months of time...

He is going to double the maternity capital. He will double the pension for pensioners. And everything will be fine.

And later, he'll take it back, under some plausible pretext .....