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Before, everyone was stealing. Now it's just the government. Is that why life used to be better than it is now?

What a thieving psychology the Russian man has! It's amazing.

No, any nation has been, is and will be so when the authorities are unable to organise the normal functioning of society.

Famous was the phrase: "They steal...", uttered by Karamzin during this trip in response to a compatriot's question about his homeland. As recounted by Sergei Dovlatov, this historical anecdote goes like this:

Two hundred years ago the historian Karamzin visited France. Russian emigrants asked him:

- What, in a nutshell, is happening in your homeland? Karamzin didn't need two words. - Stealing," replied Karamzin.

No, any nation was, is and will be so when the authorities are unable to organize normal life activity of the society.

Not just anyone.

If a German hits a pole with a road sign, he will go to the police station and report that there is damage to official equipment there and there. Nobody makes him do that. But a Russian will not inform the police, and will take the sign with him; it will come in handy!

Take, purely hypothetically, and remove the government in Russia, Denmark, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Australia.... Which country would immediately experience chaos?


Take, purely hypothetically, and remove the government in the countries of Russia, Denmark, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Australia.... In which country would chaos immediately ensue?



I have deliberately left out the US because it is not that simple.

The government plays a huge role in organising the welfare of its citizens, but so does the mentality of the people. The USA will probably start to experience chaos like Russia, but maybe not, because the ancestors were free enterprising people who were able to unite and create stable communities without any control from above. But these are not the first settlers of many centuries ago, and as has happened many times before, now at the slightest connivance of the government in natural disasters and emergencies mass riots, looting and murder begin.

No, every nation has been, is and will continue to be so when the government is unable to organize the normal life of society.

Mmmm, excuse me, but who is this "power"? Does she, in your opinion, differ from the average homo sapien physiologically or intellectually? Well, or at least self-discipline, finally?

Like hell they are the same people who can't keep order in their own families, let alone in the country (region, district, industry, city, village, quarter, collective). And they do not differ from you and me in any way (I repeat - nothing!).

So please do not withdraw and absolve yourself of responsibility by dividing the categories of "power" - "not power". Instead, it is better to look around you, look at yourself from the outside and recall the last time you hit a cigarette butt (wrapper) in a bin, gave way in transportation or calmly let an awkward blond girl pass, ignored an attack or held back and did not become angry at someone, and simply forgave someone humanly!

You must begin with yourself. Everyone. I'm not talking specifically to you, Boris, I'm just... out loud.


Not just anyone.

If a German hits a pole with a road sign, he will go to the police station and report that there is damage to official equipment there and there. Nobody makes him do that. But a Russian will not inform the police, and will take the sign with him, because it will come in handy!

Take, purely hypothetically, and remove the government in Russia, Denmark, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Australia.... In which country would chaos immediately ensue?

In Russia, it will not take long, because we do not have any normal social organisation for decades. But get them for decades of CPSU stagnation and then decades of looting of their countries, it will be the same regardless of the nation. By the way, you gave the example of countries where there is a normal political competition, which Russia cannot achieve by revolutions, and by evolution something does not work either.

PS I hope that it will work out.


I deliberately left out the United States, because it is not so simple.

The government plays a huge role in the welfare of its citizens, but the mentality of the people is no less important. The USA will probably be as chaotic as Russia, and maybe not, because the ancestors were free enterprising people, who were able to unite and create stable communities without any management "from above". But these are not the first settlers of many centuries ago, and as has happened many times before, now at the slightest connivance from the government in natural disasters and emergencies mass riots, looting and murder begin.

Russia simply cannot make a step in the evolutionary development of society from autocracy to democracy, and serfdom was abolished much later than Europe. I do not know why this is so, maybe it is true that some kind of mentality is lacking.

...You have to start with yourself. Everyone. I'm not talking specifically to you, Boris, I'm just... out loud.
There's one inconsistency in your reasoning. I haven't thrown my cigarette butts out the window of my car for years, I only empty the ashtray into the trash, and I don't even dream about driving through a red light, while the shit managers are leading the country to the abyss.
I think I should give up smoking altogether, maybe that will talk some sense into them.

BoraBo: Россия просто никак не может сделать шаг в эволюционном развитии общества от самодержавия к демократии, да и крепостное право отменили значительно позже Европы. Не знаю почему так, может и правда какого то менталитета не хватает.

In the US, slavery was abolished in 1865, even later than serfdom in Russia.