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By the way, you can read about the mind of a stone in Castaneda.

Complete combustion. Carbon monoxide is not in the class of organic compounds.

Correct answer.
It is fire. Only fire breaks down organic compounds into mineral compounds. CO2 in our exhalation and H2O in our urine are just fragments of chemical conversions of some organic compounds into others.

So what we have: The solar plasma via electromagnetic radiation and photosynthesis in plants participates in synthesis of organic compounds and the plasma via oxidation with production of heat (burning) breaks them down to mineral ones.
Now about energy... By receiving energy from sunlight a plant synthesises organic compounds and builds its body according to the program laid down in one single molecule of its DNA. Anyone who eats this plant (and anyone from mammals to bacteria is bound to eat it) "pumps" their body with the energy already absorbed by the plant from the sun in the form of organic compounds. Some have gone even further - they eat those who have eaten plants. But it is somehow not common, even among homosapiens, to eat carnivores.

Burning wood outdoors is actually a much more interesting process than we are used to understanding it. A bonfire... Well, a bonfire so what? In fact, the heat from a bonfire is practically alive, and there is a perfectly logical reason for that. Electromagnetic radiation of visible and infrared range (light and heat from the fire) carries information about the structure of burning wood. In other words, it radiates into space the formula by which organic compounds were built and the cells of the plant divided, its life formula. Who was there looking for the formula of life?

All electromagnetic waves (EMW) are frequency modulated with information about the structure/arrangement of the world, the atom, the cell, the living world, etc., etc.
A photon is the most elementary particle of materialised EMW energy, in other words, it is a quantum of an electromagnetic field.
Matter is quanta of energy. There are no nuclei, electrons, protons.


An interesting assumption can be made based on the experience done by Goryaev. If Man manages to move to some other planet, the human embryo will not develop according to the 'laws of Earth', but according to the laws of 'that Planet', and probably it will no longer be the 'same Man' that it could have been on Earth...



If one eats meat, most people eat meat from animals that have already been killed, rather than eating them alive. And they do not kill them themselves. That is, they do not accumulate the karma of killing (the karma of interruption of consciousness). Meat is just a piece of dead matter and nothing more. And if a man is a humanist, no one forbids using only vegetable food, there's no killing there. Well, except for eating a worm along with an apple through carelessness.

But if a man is a fisherman or a hunter... That's a good place to start! (that is, get it over with)

What an easy fix. You didn't soak it with your own hands and you're kind of clean. No.


What an easy solution to the issue. You soak it with your own hands and you stay clean. No.

Meat is just a corpse. Anyone who eats meat is simply a cadaver, no more or less, and is not a murderer. Murderers are butchers in abattoirs, commercial fishermen and commercial hunters. And those who kill only for their own sustenance are predators. It is not unnatural to be a predator, on the contrary, it is natural, in nature everyone eats something - this is the fundamental law of the universe - the law of devouring. Besides, everyone has his/her own predator - even gods are devoured by rock.

PS Don't confuse predators and cannibals.


Meat is meat and nothing else - food, the extraction of food is not murder, and corpses in general are in the graveyard in graves. Meat does not lie on the road, but is harvested by the hunter or with the participation of the slaughterer. Neither the butcher nor the hunter needs the meat in such a large volume, they fulfill YOUR order (because you are a member of that society and use its services). So don't kid yourself that if something is done for you, but not by your hands, you stay clean.

About the addiction to vegetarianism, you should read Dion Fortune, Mental Defence, she has a detailed discussion of vegetarianism and not in an unflattering way for vegetarians. So it's not like you have to shout loudly that you're a vegetarian.

Speaking of birds... Hitler was a vegetarian.

mersi: Googled it and was amazed. It happens.

I found one too. It' s right here. From there:

A few years ago, Tom Gold, an American astronomy professor, expressed the belief that silicon-based life, which has nothing to do with the forms of life we are used to, might have originated inside the Earth. The scientific world took a cool view of his hypothesis. Today, however, it has already been discovered and absolutely proven that silicon-based life exists on Earth.
A unique material confirming the existence of a silicon form of life on Earth, which the author of the discovery called a crayfish, was published by A. A. Bokovikovikov. His discovery was studied at the Tomsk Branch of the Mineralogical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences (TOMO RAS) and received a positive conclusion. In the protocol № 3 from April 22, 1997, signed by the President of TOMO RAS academician, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences A.V. Manankov, it is noted: "We believe that A. A. Bokovikov's collection is unique, of scientific and commercial interest, and his explanation about the origin of agates and other silicon formations in nature, as a possible silicon form of life on Earth, is original and confirmed by other research methods of scientists". TOMO RAS suggested that A. Bokovikov's subject should be included in the regional scientific programme of Geolkom of Kuzbass, "as this work contains elements of the discovery of a new natural phenomenon - a silicon form of life on Earth".
For seven years A. Bokovikov collected and studied agates - not dead stones, but, as he proved, living organisms with many features peculiar to the protein form of life, in particular
- the distinct anatomy of siliceous organisms;
- the presence of sexes;
- reproduction by seeds;
- splintering reproduction;
- intramammalian development of the embryo;
- presence of spiral skin;
- skin shedding;
- skin regeneration;
- healing of wounds, cracks, chips;
- crystalline body - storage of hereditary information and others.
The author's observations are extremely interesting. Agate has a well-defined anatomy: beautiful colour photographs clearly show the skin, the striated body, and the crystalline body. In this case, the skin is the outer shell; the striated body is the male body and the crystalline body is the female body; the crystals of the female body are, according to the author, the agate genes. And the presence of the sexes in the crea has been determined by the researcher with great certainty. Thus, the emergence and development of agate embryos occurs only in the crystalline body and never in the striated body. The author assumed that there is a biofield around the egg, as well as other biological structures. One type of biofield is the laser field, which can emit not only light, but also sound. The cell imposes genetic information on the acoustic vibrations, which can carry out parthenogenesis (a form of sexual reproduction consisting in the development of the ovule without fertilisation). The ability of sound to carry genetic information also explains the emergence of silicon embryos inside a whole and monolithic piece of basalt.
The author cites 24 colour photographs in his work to show the stunning phenomena of the germination and development of a new organism within the parent body and even the birth of an agathic.

Uh... well, if it's science, I'll shut up. Yeah, well, this is a women's forum...

Why don't you show me some other, more authoritative material?


I found one too. It' s right here. From there:

Uh... well, if that's science, I'll shut up. Yeah, well, this is a women's forum...

Maybe you can show me other, more authoritative materials?

Alexei, it was an unexpected revelation to me myself joo.

After reading it, I immediately did first like this , and then like this. There are links in the last "so", perhaps you'll find more authoritative materials there.