[Archive! - page 606

Yeah. Didn't help much. :) I'll have to translate the comments.
Volodya. There's nothing to translate. Well, it's a grey world, all black and white, all vintage. And there's orange. What? Nothing special. Young people having fun. Theirs.
Volodya. There's nothing to translate there. Well, it's a grey world, all black and white, all vintage. And there's orange. What? Nothing special. Young people having fun. Theirs.
All right, then. If it's nothing, then I won't.
Peter. That's not fair at all. You deleted your post while I was trying to figure out what to say. Well, I can't stop now, so I'm gonna answer to nothing. :)

Yeah. Kids are like that - alternative.

I've got into history, as much as I've pissed her off (although I haven't prevented her from doing so, but I'd rather study sewage than history). But I can't get over how she communicates with her kids, that's exactly like me. :)

Peter. That's not fair. You deleted your post while I was trying to figure out what to say to you. Well, I can't stop now, so I'm gonna answer to nothing. :)

Yeah. Kids are like that - alternative.

I've got into history, and I didn't freak out about it (although I didn't mind, but I'd rather study sewage than history). But I can't get over how she communicates with her kids, that's exactly like me. :)

А... that's bullshit. Sorry, though. Woodstock is sacred.


EHHHHH. Goodbye, the best forum on Runet.

(I drowned in dough).


EHHHHH. Goodbye, the best forum on Runet.

(I drowned in dough).

Come back when the sea dries up. ))

Why does the suggestion make me shudder: "Smoke?!"

It's 3am, the perimeter of the UEHK, shifts of posts from the first to the 10th post, the young are replaced by a shift of old-servicemen, I was on the rookie shift (the last 30 hours I slept 1-2 hours our turn to "sleep", 3-4 hours), passed the first post, one of the grandfathers wanted a smoke: "Smoke?", it didn't concern the young, they smoked for 5-7 minutes, passed 2-3 posts (15-20 minutes). "Smoke?!" the second grandfather shouted, they smoked (the same amount as before). And then they "smoked" almost every post until the end of the rest shift. The sergeant-in-charge came to the guardhouse: "Let's smoke and go to the post!


Quit smoking?

Sanya, have you been inhaling or are you sniffing? )))
Are you on duty tonight?