[Archive! - page 488

Light. I'm enjoying it. Thank you. )))

Enjoy it, you sober-minded man:

"The natural partners of such organisations are wealthy foreign foundations and grantmakers. In preparation for the Arab Spring in 2009 alone, the US National Endowment for Democracy gave large sums to 23 Egyptian, 20 Palestinian, 13 Yemeni, 10 Jordanian, eight Lebanese, three Tunisian, three Libyan and three Syrian NGOs working with youth audiences and promising to "promote democracy and develop civil society".

Towards winter

It is worth noting that the US does not allow such liberties on its territory. Foreigners cannot take an active part in the development of American NGOs. After all, the FARA Act (Act 22 U.S.C. § 611 "On Registration of Foreign Agents", 1938), according to which individuals and organizations "engaged in political activity under the control of a foreign principal" shall register within ten days at the US Department of Justice and regularly (since 1996 - every six months) report to the authorities on the nature of the relationship with the principal, the funds received and their expenditure.


I don't have the words -- what kind of a log in your eye do you have to put in order to see what is obvious to children?

And they'd be fighting faggots like the 300 Spartans.

No. Dumb hamsters at most.

Not fighting at all.


Just in case anyone doesn't understand. The memo describes the political health care method. All for our own, none for others.

If the government cares about its own safety, then funding the disgruntled and other scum has the gravest consequences.

UPD: "Not only foreign governments, but any non-American entities fall under the concept of "principal". Violation of the law is punishable by fines and imprisonment for up to five years. There is no statute of limitations on this offence. However, the imposition of similar requirements by other states, with various local and foreign NGOs as the principal and the 'agent', is seen in Washington as a violation of human rights by authoritarian regimes."

Can you read the rest yourself?

Well, without the Putin et al regime?


Just in case anyone doesn't understand. This article describes the political health care method. All for their own, none for others.

If the government cares about national security, then funding the disgruntled and other scum has the worst possible consequences.

))) Sveta, do you know what our method is? Taki I say: I will freeze my ears off to spite my mother. )))

Sorry. (Laughs) Really, it's funny. And pardon the stylisation of the famous accent. It's just for the tone. Yours.


No, the opposition is Bozhena Rynska and Bykov and Akunin.

Well, and Yura the musician, how could it be without him?

And without Kinchev?

You've got to be kidding me, Swetten.

The opposition is just people who come out to rallies. Rynsky, Bykov, Akunin, Nemtsov, Kinchev, etc. are the people who are trying to join it.


Oh, come on, Swetten.

The opposition is just people who come out to rallies. Rynsky, Bykov, Akunin, Nemtsov, Kinchev, etc. are the people who are trying to join it.

Yeah, well, they spent their day off at a rally.

Self-organized, went to City Hall, got permission.

And some people walked by, to get potatoes.


You've got to be kidding me, Swetten.

The opposition is just people who come out to rallies. Rynsky, Bykov, Akunin, Nemtsov, Kinchev, etc. are the people who are trying to join it.

Alexey. Why such a stained word - to smear? It's just the same people. Gone, sociology-wise, everyone. What's there to divide? Everybody's had enough.
Alexei. Why such a stained word - to smear oneself? It's just the same people.

Well, yes, too much, of course.

But some of them, especially partisans, don't mind leading this opposition in order to get the appropriate dividends...


Yeah, well, they spent their day off to go to a rally.

Self-organized, went to city hall, got a permit.

And some people walked by, to get potatoes.

You can't imagine it? So what kind of reaction do you want from those who can? ))) People are different. There were all kinds on Bolotnaya. You were not. (Neither was I, by the way.) So what's the big deal?


Well, yes, too much, of course.

But some of them, especially partisan ones, are not averse to leading this opposition in order to get the appropriate dividends...

I agree. And here is the strange thing. I do not feel (I will not mention it, otherwise Sveta....)) dislike them, no. But it's not that they've become somehow alien... but irrelevant, or something... I don't know.

It's not about them now. And any attempt to replace, tamper with my, your, their beliefs with someone else's is repulsive. That's normal, agree. And, again, it's not about them now.