[Archive! - page 400

Well, what's the protocol signed, the fine, etc. in the text?
Oh, that's what you mean. The point is that my story consisted entirely of narrative sentences, there were no questioning sentences.
But if you want a claim, you're welcome to it:

1. According to the local law - which is based on the federal law about mass events - the approval can be withdrawn at least three days before the event. Moreover, in the same form in which it was issued, i.e. in writing, a telephone right has not yet been legalised in our country.

2. The police who was guarding the event had to follow the written permission given by the organisers and not the verbal instructions of the town hall.

3. Detaining a citizen on the street without a warrant on the basis of "I saw you at the rally an hour ago" is illegal. The citizen is not wanted, has presented an authentic passport and is not charged with a criminal offence but with an administrative offence, i.e. he is not a danger to society. If an officer has evidence of an administrative offence, he is obliged to give evidence to an investigator or directly to a justice of the peace, who will summon the offender to court. In the court the offender has the right to have a lawyer, to present witnesses and to conduct adversarial proceedings. What did you think? We have a state governed by the rule of law!

4. the main complaint is about idiot broads, of which there are plenty everywhere. If you've already been detained (no-one should resist!), the report should have indicated the time and place of detention, the name of the senior officer, noting that the rights have not been read, the legal form of detention is not indicated (instead of, "Come on, girls, in the department you will be dealt with"). Do not sign a fake one just because "we won't let you out until you sign".
Next. When you get to the custody you have to clearly understand that even the kindest investigator is your enemy, or at least your chess opponent. No concessions, scratching every letter, studying every piece of paper you are asked to sign. Twisting and turning, you fight for your freedom, you're your own lawyer.

The protocol they signed was supposed to look like this:
I was coming back from the shop, carrying groceries for my sick child. There were people standing in the square under Russian flags and singing songs by my favourite Tsoi. I stopped to listen, they explained to me that it was an authorized rally against election violations and let me hold a banner because they had to go to the bathroom. After a while I heard through the wheezing and whistling of a faulty megaphone that the police were demanding to disperse. I immediately dropped the banner and quickly went home, not wanting to participate in an illegal event. A car with the number plate number ****** pulled up in front of my house, and two men in plain clothes dragged me there and took me to the police station. Give me their names and I'll complain against them for illegal deprivation of liberty, violation of the instructions during arrest, falsification of an arrest report and leaving a helpless minor in danger (in the report the place of detention was given as the place of meeting, the detainee was told by witnesses that the sick child was alone in the flat).

Somewhere like this in a first approximation.

Naturally, it doesn't look like it.

There was a coup d'état there.

As for "the vast majority of their promises have not been kept" - that's what I'm talking about - the Maidanites have been used and thrown out.

No one would think of doing anything about it.

And may I ask, what was it all about ''at least something worked out''?

You don't need to know and try to understand it: you have everything already defined in your world view and your worldview is unlikely to expand, mainly because you don't want it: you don't need to try to understand what your opponent says if it doesn't coincide with your world view - it's wrong a priori from your point of view. A very unambiguous position. Except that progress and changes in society are possible thanks to people who are trying to change something and go into the square, and if these thoughts are more voluminous than you can fit in your head, it is not a reason to be personal and rude to unfamiliar people. In this case I am referring to your response to mersi :

Ещё один оранжевый...

Уважаемый mersi!

Выход на площадь всегда кем-то организовывается в своих интересах.

И кто-то этим выходом управляет и направляет в нужное русло.

Вам же, придя туда, по малолетству или по недомыслию кажется, что вы что-то там выражаете или против чего-то протестуете.

Всё гораздо прозаичнее: вас, как баранов, поведут на заклание туда, куда это выгодно организаторам. И, заметьте, никому не будет интересно лично ваше мнение, против чего вы там протестуете. Идеально -- если несколько человек погибнет при этом. Ваше мнение, повторюсь, при этом ровным счётом никого не интересут.

Вас, как майдаунов, просто попользуют, выкинут и забудут.

Ну и на закуску -- вам что, сценария Ливии захотелось? Киргизии? Украины? Египта?

Кого вы хотите привести к власти -- Прохорова? Ходорковского? Навального? Каспарова? Или сразу Новодворскую?

Ещё вопрос -- отчего же не соорганизуются против результатов выборов другие политики -- тот же Явлинский? Хакамада? Немцов? Такой шанс попиариться!

Насчёт "видимого часть айсберга"-- в Москве, как в любой другой метрополии, количество... гм... оранжевых на всю голову на порядок больше, чем в других местах. И давно кучка не совсем здоровых граждан представляет интересы общества?

Остальное даже комментировать не хочется -- воспалённый бред подростка.

С уважением.

These "deep" thoughts of yours are no less inflamed delirium, but of a follower of a different, opposing, point of view...



4. the main complaint is about idiot broads, of which there are plenty everywhere.

Here. :)

You don't need all this - to know and try to understand

Thank you for making it clear to me what I need and what I do not need.

For the rest - look out your window and see how Kazakhs were massacred in Kyrgyzstan, how children were killed in Libya, how radicals came to power in Egypt.

P.S. About the boorishness, look in the mirror.

You are incapable even to read what is written.


Apparently you have 'orange' paranoia :)
Apparently you have 'orange' paranoia :)

You should know better.


Thank you for clarifying what I need and what I don't.

For the rest - look out the window and see how Kazakhs were massacred in Kyrgyzstan, how children were killed in Libya, how radicals came to power in Egypt.

P.S. About the boorishness, look in the mirror.

You are incapable even to read what is written.

))))))))))))))))))))))))) Well, yeah - that's about the answer I imagined: like, "you're a fool". You are quite easily predictable.....
Here. :)
What's "here"? It may not be politically correct, but I can call my daughter a fool all I want. Let the rest of us try it on ourselves, I'm not the boss of them.
What's "here"? It may not be politically correct, but I can call my daughter a fool all I want. And let the rest of us try it on ourselves, I'm not the boss of them.

I didn't call anyone stupid.

I'm just saying that it's their own fault for suffering like this, because you shouldn't go to places like this.

))))))))))))))))))))))))) Well, yeah - that's about the answer I imagined: like, "you're a fool". You are very easily predictable.....

Can you read?

All I am saying is that such rallies are not attended by the smartest or most mentally healthy people.

And the consequences of such rallies are plain for all to see.

You are trying to argue about what I, a complete stranger to you, should and should not, as well as about the breadth of my worldview. Or you are able to diagnose on the Internet?

About Maidanites - there was a coup d'état in Ukraine. The Maidauns were simply dumped.

Are you going to argue now?