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I don't regret it anyway. There's a bet and a chaff and a cherry orchard here. I was in Gander during the Soviet Union, when some stubborn policeman came to me at the transfer point: "Don't you want your freedom, by any chance? Canadian residency permit, allowance, etc.? ? But I was like, "I'd love to, but I can't. You know, I'm flying with the whole family, how can I deprive a child of the joy of meeting his classmates, or leave his mother-in-law without presents? Sorry, brother policeman, next time.
Believe it or not, I barely got away with it :))

That's how it was in the Soviet Union))
I don't regret it anyway. There's a bet, a chaff, and a cherry orchard here. When I was a Soviet soldier in Gander, a stubborn policeman came to me and said, 'Don't you want to get your freedom? Canadian residency permit, allowance, etc.? ? But I was like, "I'd love to, but I can't. You know, I'm flying with the whole family, how can I deprive my child of the joy of meeting his classmates, or leave my mother-in-law without presents? Sorry, brother policeman, next time.
Believe it or not, I barely got away with it :))

I lived in communal flats on the Petrograd Side until I was 10. One neighbour was a painter, the other a teacher.

Petrogradskaya Storona is a district . It's like Odessa in the USSR. ))

Ideologically wrong. We are not in danger of a complete collapse - Kudrin writes letters to Putin from Razliv, who periodically listens to them when he starts to smell something fishy.
What is threatening us is a dull, hopeless hopelessness with oil money-fattened 'managers' and out-of-touch philistines who consider it their happiness that people could not go to Turkey when the USSR was in power and now they can.
And the fact that in three years I and my comrades have made more locomotives in one plant than the entire country did in 2010, doesn't seem to bother anyone these days. If you tell any person that the production of locomotives has fallen by SEVEN times since 1913, no one will be surprised or even alarmed.
And that's just one example. I'm afraid that the 7 passenger planes produced last year are not much more than in 1913 :))

Скажите кому-нибудь, что по сравнению с 1913-м годом производство локомотивов упало в СЕМЬ РАЗ

The Kremlin does not think so.
Any idiot can write a nice report (I've written tons of them myself). You give me the output! And the production in locomotives of domestic production for 2010 is 67 units, against more than 600 in 1913 :))

Today a lady from the water supply company came and brought a questionnaire. There are questions: will you go to the elections and who will you vote for. A list by name. And our fools answer, almost the whole questionnaire is filled out!
My wife asked me if she knew that she was breaking the law on elections. The woman shrugged her shoulders - the bosses ordered it, so we do it. And went on making her own lists.
Today a lady from the water supply company came and brought a questionnaire. There are questions: will you go to the elections and who will you vote for. A list by name. And our fools answer, almost the whole questionnaire is filled out!
My wife asked me if she knew that she was breaking the law on elections. The woman shrugged her shoulders - the bosses ordered it, so we do it. And went on making her own lists.

The water company rules. And whoever doesn't answer, we shut off the water. I posted a joke on five, look.

at the time, it wasn't fake.