[Archive! - page 166

Why don't blacks in America finish their meals?

Yeah, they don't give a shit about their country, they care more about blacks. That's why we're so fucked up. Makes sense.

How's the Slav bazaar, by the way? Is it over, I hope? I wonder if they applauded the speakers.


For example.

Why don't the blacks in America finish their meals?

Or why is petrol more expensive in Russia than in America?

Sorry, but if we wait 24 hours for your answers, we will fall asleep.
Now we're talking (
Well, that's the talk.

Pardon me, gentlemen!

Life is so short and you want to do so much.


TheXpert 17.07.2011 00:55

Why don't the Negroes in America finish the job?

Yeah, they don't give a shit about their country, they just care about blacks. That's why we are in this mess. Makes sense.


Let's talk about Negroes. Negroes in America are malnourished because the portions are too big. (I don't know who said that, but it's true.)

The Russians are also paying for the undernourishment of blacks with higher gasoline prices.


TheXpert 07/17/2011 00:55


How's the "Slavic" bazaar by the way? Is it over, I hope? I wonder if they clapped for the speakers.

I didn't go to the Slovoi bazaar this year for fear of clapping, and if my mobile phone goes off it's a disaster worse than the Japanese intervention.


Undernourishment of the Negroes is paid for by the Russians in the form of higher petrol prices, among other things.

I knew it. I guessed and feared. My fears were confirmed.

You fill up your car, you help a nigger.

What do we do now? Any concrete suggestions? We can't go on like this. We shouldn't, we don't have the right to sit in this situation behind our monitors.

How much longer!? Are we going to keep feeding other people's negroes Russian gasoline?

In short, tell us what to do and we won't let you down.


I knew it. I guessed and feared. My fears were confirmed.

Gassed up the car, helped the nigger.

What do we do now? Any concrete suggestions? We can't go on like this. We shouldn't, we don't have the right to sit in this situation behind our monitors.

How much longer!? Are we going to keep feeding other people's negroes Russian gasoline?

In short, tell us what to do, and we won't let you down.

I'll tell you, Misha, it's worse than that: you bought the index, you helped the pork-saurus. Persistence


I'd take those, you know... who aren't those... in general...

Ugh! And don't ever talk... Or else... no one...


I'll tell you worse, Misha: bought the index - helped the Swinosaurs. Persistence


I would those, well those... who aren't those... in general...

Ugh! And don't ever talk... Or else... no one...

And O thought correctly. You didn't even have to say anything.

I'll tell you worse, Misha: bought the index - helped the Swinosaurs. Persistence

Unfortunately I can't help Swinosaurs even if I buy an index or a nappy.
Unfortunately, I can't help a pig, even if I buy an index or a nappy.

You shouldn't do that. You're a good man. You've already helped...

Friend!!! ))))


то Mischek:

Unfortunately, I can't help the pig, even if I buy an index or a nappy.

Do you go fishing (I think on the Northern Dvina))? Or do you only fish in the murky waters of the forex already?