[Archive! - page 164


Our express coffee machine has long been out of competition with my wife and is quietly gathering dust in the corner. I think this gadget is no match for her either. A real Armenian copper jazz maker, plus hands and skill.

Long live the creative fraternal people.

"... Next time, I suggest that instead of silently acting like men in plain clothes, we do like real men in plain clothes and start silently packing each other up. That is to gather at the place of the action, divide into two teams - "people in plain clothes" and "people in plain clothes", and one team begins to silently wrap the other in a specially prepared trolley. Then the packed bus silently and eloquently departs in an unknown direction and returns full of men in plain clothes, who then silently start packing up the men in plain clothes. I think that such a situation will make the real people in civilian clothes go completely mad and start packing each other up too...".


Yeah. A marasmus upon a marasmus.

By the way, there is a move - there is an opinion that they will let the exchange rate float freely in the near future. And the prices in equivalent to yours will be equalized :)


NaroT! Don't turn the loo into a toilet.

There's a lot to talk about. There really is.


NaroT! Don't turn the loo into a toilet.

There's a lot to talk about. There really is.

About what?

About what?
Did the EN button on the top right used to lead to the English forum? Or what was the address there, could you tell me?
Did the EN button on the top right used to lead to the English forum? Or what was the address there, could you tell me?
It still does. I just checked it.
The English forum address is https:https://www.mql5.com/forum/enhttps://www.mql5.com/forum/enwww.mql5.comhttps://www.mql5.com/forum/enforumhttps://www.mql5.com/forum/enen, the Russian one is https://forum.mql4.com/ru/
And now he is leading the way.

It's a miracle... I've got it on 5, not here. Thank you. (chuckles)