[Archive! - page 170


Academician Yu.S.Pivovarov's lecture at MGIMO

A serious fellow. Although not everything is indisputable.

What I did not expect at all is that they teach such things (about civil law, initiatives, etc.) at MGIMO.

Another lecture



Mm... yeah.



Mm... yeah.


That's all... You want to be the master of life... be a servant of the people.

Pension fund buildings.

Kazan :

Samara :

Arkhangelsk :

Ufa :

Tambov :

Kirov :

Sochi :

etc. ....

Found it by searching on Yandex in a couple of seconds.


Ideally, it's high time we started hanging.


Passport office jokes:

On reaching the age of 14 a young Russian is obliged to obtain a passport. This procedure requires a visit to the passport office with some paperwork. Among these papers is the confirmation of citizenship, which must be obtained from the passport office. To obtain confirmation of citizenship you have to visit the passport office and also with some papers which include a certificate that the young citizen is registered at the address. As you may already guess, the certificate must be obtained in the passport office, or rather in its branch office at the Housing and Communal Department (or whatever this champion of housing fees is called), but the essence does not change.

Each certificate requires a separate visit to an employee of the passport office, separate waiting for the result. The passport is issued to a teenager who is not allowed to attend such responsible procedures, and his parents or guardians are obliged to do them.


Pension fund buildings.

Tambov :

That said, Tambov is a village.

Ideally, it's high time we started hanging up.

Too late

Better late than never.
Better late than never.

I mean, it's too late. Past the point of no return. The country. All of it.