[Archive! - page 162

"You'll have another fight...."(c) Peculiarities of National Hunting.

What are you talking about?)))

who started this whole thing in the first place)))



I have tried to apply these abilities in the financial sphere as well, but the result is zero.

They have tried to apply these abilities in the financial sector as well but the result has been zero, a human being is an incomprehensible creature, they cannot figure out the human brain even now, what to say at some level of understanding everything else? Let scientists rack their brains.

;) You chose the blue pill yourself. Now you're supposed to take it and forget about it. And the scientists, yeah, let the scientists do the thinking, they're supposed to.

As for me, I ate my red one a long time ago. So don't try to agitate me. It's too late... :))


;) You chose the blue pill yourself. Now you're supposed to take it and forget about it. And the scientists, yeah, let the scientists do the thinking, they're supposed to do it.

As for me, I ate my red one a long time ago. So don't try to agitate me. It's too late. :))


The son shouts to his dad from the room into the kitchen:

- Daddy, Daddy, have you seen where those blue pills went?

- Don't interrupt, son, I've got a real problem: there's a dragon in the kitchen corner!


Alexey, you see what we can get to, and it all started so innocently with some diploma, and then it went ))))

Approximate explanation, only there he added magic for some reason, but at the core he correctly explains the concept of psychic, but it feels like a publicity stunt reel :)


on August 16, 2090
terrorists detonated 122
portable nuclear bombs.
the country descended into chaos.

six months later.
the Moscow government sent in troops
to take away our crops
and strategic stockpiles
of fuel, medicine and food.

We killed them all.
and then.
with the allies went as far as Moscow
and hanged their entire government.
including the mayor.

All hail undefeated Kostroma.
Hail to the brave allies - Yaroslavl, Murom
and to you, the fearless Elektrougli.

let the traitors know:
there are only two ways -

Motherland or death

Fyodor Swarovsky, (ry_ichi)


Vitya... What was that?


Moderator, damn it! // and these people forbid me to pick my nose!

I'm shocked myself. It's called poetry now. But it has to be said, it gets you in the mood...

deja vu


Vitya... What was that?


Moderator, damn it! // and these people forbid me to pick my nose!

and I'm forbidden to write any formula I want on the fence :o(

Yes. But the poems are stupid, to say the least. There is no logic in them, after 122 nuclear bombs there is no logic any more...only cockroaches alive.