[Archive! - page 94


I have never tasted "nanotechnology" products.

This is because it is forbidden to import vegetables from the EU into Russia.


"1. So you're the one who promotes nanotechnology products, you must love it."

I have never tried any "nanotechnology" products. I'm not advocating, just giving an opinion on possible, hypothetical perspectives.

"2. Not necessarily from the beginning, but you've hit on the subject of meat harm. It is interesting to know if you are a vegetarian since you are writing about it so openly in the masses. So I would like to know if you are a vegetarian, so the question remains - what is your experience of vegetarianism, how many years?"

I couldn't get into the subject of the harms of meat... I didn't say anything about any particular harm from meat... I was just saying that there are alternatives, without making any claims. Remember, it's not about vegetarianism and it's certainly not about anyone's food preferences...

Who wrote that, Pushkin?


Who wrote that, Pushkin?

Oh yes... Sorry... inverted commas are missing, it's no big deal... don't be mad at me....
Meat is far from the best thing a person should eat, that's for sure.


A woman photographer had an interesting project: she tried to look different in each photo.
It's very funny and unusual. - http://ibigdan.livejournal.com/6862115.html

To be honest, I was very surprised at how different the people in the pictures were. It was not for nothing that Vysotsky sang "Dressed according to the fashion of the century, you'll tell yourself: "That's just a different person" - and I'm the same person. I still had no idea how much different you can become :)


A woman photographer tried to do an interesting project: she tried to look different in every picture.
It's really funny and unusual. - http://ibigdan.livejournal.com/6862115.html

To be honest, I was very surprised at how different the people in the pictures were. It was not for nothing that Vysotsky sang "Dressed according to the fashion of the century, you'll tell yourself: "That's just a different person" - and I'm the same person. I still had no idea how much different you can become :)

Can I ask you a question? What's the first thing you notice about a woman?

It's not the same woman... Interesting though...


Can I ask you a question? What do you look for in a woman in the first place?

I've never really thought about that question. I don't know what to answer.

It's not the same woman... Interesting though...

I had that suspicion too. I had to look at some of the pictures more closely. I came to the conclusion that, in general, one person can make up such a person. And even inflate the cheeks to look fuller.


Can I ask you a question? What is the first thing you look for in a woman?

It's not the same woman... Although I wonder...

Yes. Quite possibly. Noticed that the neck is of different lengths and diameters. You can't shorten the neck that way. The rest of the neck can be painted.


I've already written about it here somewhere.

Human digestion cannot break down animal amino acids by 100% plus the inappropriate intestinal microflora from meat-eating. Hence a lot of diseases. Including cancer.

Man is a fruiting animal.

Do the math. Meat and nuts cost about the same. Maybe even some nuts are half as cheap as meat. Only meat is 80% water, the rest is 50% digestible. So only 10% of the initial weight. The remaining 10% turns into carcinogens indole and scarol. That's assuming the meat is properly produced and the animal is also killed properly. There's usually a lot of crap in meat these days...

Nuts have about 40% protein and 60% high quality fats. Everything is 100% digestible without producing toxins. You need 100 grams of those nuts a couple of times a week.

Calculate the savings. Count not only the difference in food consumption, but also the cost of drugs, surgeries, doctors, hospitals, lost time for all that and a drastic reduction in life expectancy.


My grandfather always said meat is bad for those who don't have it.
