EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 785

I got it, the fifth wave. Which is like 3 waves up, or something like that.
Thank you!!! You also drew the 5th point. ???




Yeah, no... it's OK... I will later (next week) post here my ruminations on the subject, with the ghost of links to my earlier posts in the same forum branch posted, but at the same time, ungratefully questioned by someone...:-)))

Yeah, no... it's OK... I will later (next week) post my ruminations on the subject here, with a ghost of a link to my earlier posts in the same forum thread, posted but ungratefully questioned by someone else...:-)))

We'll wait.))

We'll be waiting))

From the heart - I'll do everything. :-)))

P.S. No kidding. :-))) With the lay of the land for the near future...


From the heart - I'll do it all. :-)))

P.S. No kidding. :-))) With the lay of the land for the near future...

Uh, ti!!!!Thank you!!!!!!!!


Searching, searching, for my posts - can't find them... Looking... In this thread...