EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 706


"The guests almost didn't need the drip tray. I had to kick them out at 4 a.m. :))".

Are they all Russian there?

"Then we celebrated Cosmonautics Day, the streets ALL !!!!"

I guess so! Russians! Always ahead! That's what keeps us going.

A Russian without Vodka is like a Jew without the Revolution
Germany is celebrating Astronautics Day!?
I have twin daughters. They were 12 and one year old. We drank a little bit, but we also had a Space Day.
A signal on EUR-GBP is on the way, if anyone is interested in this pair I can give a signal
I wonder who can tell me if the Americans have passed a budget? If not yet, when will it be passed?
Interesting, I noticed that the MACD on the pound dollar chart is pointing down.
Interestingly, I noticed that the MACD on the pound dollar chart is pointing down.
MACD can be different. Put 38,120,20. See a different picture.
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
What TF do you like to trade on? I'll give you something else.
The MACD is different. Put 38,120,20. See a different picture

What are the magic numbers ?

On the daily chart more or less, on other timeframes not so much.

Lately, on H-D. Tried pipsing on small TF, gets worse and tighter.