EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 705

Attention !!! Pound to the top prepares to leap

Attention !!! Pound to the top prepares to leap

God bless him, did the twins' birthday go well? How are you feeling?


Attention !!! Pound to the top is making the leap

God bless him, did the twins birthday go well? How are you feeling?

(sobbing :)))
Who didn't buy the pound in time, don't hold your nose. There will be a pullback. And then the pips will go down by 100-130
mushroom :))
I'm sorry, I don't understand. What or who is a "carilla"?
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Is that what or who is a "carilla"?
The watering can was almost unwanted by the guests. I had to kick them out at 4 a.m. :))
then celebrated Cosmonautics Day, the streets EVERYWHERE !!!!
masonry :)))
Did you get a Poundick ? On the H4 1SSRC has bent its head. Possible pullback.

"The guests almost didn't need the drip tray. I had to kick them out at 4 a.m. :))".

Are they all Russian there?

"Then we celebrated Cosmonautics Day, the streets ALL !!!!"

I guess so! Russians! Always ahead! That's what keeps us going.

then celebrated Cosmonautics Day, the streets EVERYWHERE !!!!
Germany celebrates Astronautics Day!?

Yields on Greek government bonds have jumped to record levels today as market participants no longer seem to believe that Greece will be able to avoid a debt restructuring.

In just one day, the yield on the country's two-year government bonds rose by almost 1% to a record 18.38%. Five-year securities are trading at 18 per cent, while investors are demanding a premium of 13.41 per cent for ten-year bonds, a record since 1998, Reuters reports.

The price of Greek credit default swaps (CDS) is rising at a record high on this speculation. Today, according to data from Markit, the CDS on Athens debt has surpassed the 1,100 basis point mark. This means that investors are paying more than €1 million to insure Greek government bonds worth €10 million.

At the same time, concerns are also raised by the fact that a default on the Greek economy would have an extremely negative impact on Spain and Italy, whose banking systems are closely intertwined with Greece's. "Spanish and Italian banks still have a huge amount of Greek assets on their balance sheets and in the event of a restructuring they too would be at risk," says WestLB strategist Michael Leicester.