Strategic foresight systems - page 7


No-o-o-o-o! - I'm a sniper.

(crooked, true... but the main thing is the feeling.)

Stratagem is better. Several thousand points have swept through the market in a few days. Now that's a real score. It's like that joke:

Three knights and four musketeers met at a roadside tavern, but they didn't agree on something. Aramis said something wrong about Russian women or Alyosha Popovich about French wine, but they got ready to fight. D' Artagnan asked the master for a piece of chalk and drew a circle on Ilya Muromets chest. "What is that?" - Ilya asks, and the Gascon replies sneeringly: "I love accuracy and I'll pierce you with my sword in that very spot." Ilya Muromets gets up and says: "Come on, Dobrynya, sprinkle him with chalk from head to toe. I'll work with my sword."

Strategm to be better. In a few days, several thousand points have swept through the market. Now that's a real score. It's like that joke:

This is the next date for the euro.


This is the next euro date.

Clarification is needed. Will there be an increase until 26.02?
Clarification is needed. Will there be an increase until 26.02?

Yes, and after that a correction or trend change is possible.

Yes, and after that a correction or trend change is possible.
OK, I'll take my chances virtually for now. I may need some pampers, in terms of deposits, for the duration of the test.

Don't be discouraged. We start falling very soon (a few hours to go) and if we break 1.3428, the fall will continue, if we don't, we will go up in a day or two and for a long time.


Don't be discouraged. We will start falling very soon (a few hours left) and if we break 1.3428, we will keep falling, if we don't, we will go up in a day or two and for a long time.

Not at all. The situation with eurusd is really not easy. What is clear to me, is that the new trend will be long, I think, at least 5-7 days, or even longer.
not at all. the situation with eurusd is really not straightforward. One thing is clear to me so far, once defined, the new trend will be long, I guess at least 5-7 days, or even longer.

I disagree, sorry, the situation is just as transparent. If falling, then the last leg of the triple zig-zag is left to form, and after that, a move in the other direction. Until the WA gurus have found a quarter zig-zag, or something else abstruse in the market...)) If now, after the expected correction, we will go with the bulls, then it is at least 100% up, from the bullish movement, started on 11.01.11g. Here, this is the view of the market situation... )))))


I disagree, sorry, the situation is just as transparent. If falling, then the last leg of the triple zig-zag is left to form, and after that, a move in the other direction. Until the WA gurus have found a quarter zig-zag, or something else abstruse in the market...)) If now, after the expected correction, we will go with the bulls, then it is at least 100% up, from the bullish movement, started on 11.01.11g. Here, this is the view of the market situation... )))))

what if we don't go down? :о) The leg of the triple zig-zag is a weighty argument and will probably go down. But I am now fine-tuning my cunning function and looking at the market through it. And this function says "wait one day", the situation is almost equal. Well, why not take a risk, I do not feel sorry for virtual deposit, I would not open a deal on the real one, I would be careful.


I understand you...))) Most have this attitude towards the VA (lyrical).....))))

Again, sorry for the intrusion. I won't intrude again.