Warning! Your topic will definitely be deleted if... - page 11


Yeah, all the more reason to use the original nickname.

As for the ban... It was predictable after a while. Nice way to annoy each other.

As for the ban... After a while it was predictable. Nice job of annoying each other.

It's not about my personal claim to something ;)

Forum administration has the full right to ban a user of their resource if there's a reason for it. as for me - this reason should be brought to the attention of a banner. well, just to educate: well, maybe I was banned "for non-compliance with the rules of spelling modern Russian language," and not for what I think myself. I need to point out my mistake in the message about the ban, so that I can work on my mistakes.

The same goes for deleting a thread: the topic should remain and be signed under it - deleted for this reason. Again, with an educational purpose and so that links on third-party resources do not point to 404.

But that's how I think.... the owners of this resource may have very different thoughts.... but they're not sharing them.... And the educational effect they apply penalties for does not work :(


It's not about my personal claim to something ;)

The administration of the forum has the full right to ban users of their resource if there are reasons for it. as for me - this reason should be brought to the attention of banned. well, simply with an educational purpose: well, what if I was banned "for non-compliance with the rules of spelling modern Russian language" and not for what I think myself. I need to point out my mistake in the message about the ban, so I can work on my mistakes.

The same goes for deleting a thread: the topic should remain and be signed under it - deleted for this reason. Again, with an educational purpose and so that links to third-party resources do not point to 404.

But that's how I think.... the owners of this resource may have very different thoughts.... but they're not sharing them.... And the educational effect they apply penalties for does not work :(

So an email notification (given at registration) would be fine. I thought that's what they do (I haven't been in a sauna, I don't know))
I thought that's what they were doing (haven't been in a bathhouse, don't know))
They don't. They just piss silently.

In fact they do not owe anybody anything, this is their resource and they have the right to do anything with it without explaining their actions to anyone, if you pay for your account, it is another matter, you are here as a user, do not have any right to charge the administration, and questions relating to errors in the program and kakai or suggestions, in my opinion should be given in servicedesk.

SZS: Imagine you came to the showroom, bought a car and you did not like something and you went back to them, not only that you told them what you think about them, so you also started there to communicate with everyone and tell them how to make cars (I understand that maybe you yourself are a mechanic and understand the cars at the level of the creator). And now ask yourself, what will the management of the dealership do to you?


I have warned, in friendship, many times, not to overstep the mark. Even judging by this page, I am not the only one who can see the reason for the ban.

It is one thing to find a bug and report it to the developers in the service desk (for which it was actually created) and for this praise and kudos, and quite another thing to kick the developers for every opportunity - to tell the mistress of the house as a guest that the borscht is unsalted by eating it in both cheeks.


...maybe the dot at the end (or in the middle of the nickname) prevents the user's details from being seen

Yes. The problem is known and has been posted to servisdesk. A fix is being sought.

Even judging by this page, I'm not the only one who can see the reason for the ban.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. Of course, I'm too narcissistic, selfish, rude, (.... and the list goes on).

But what do my personal qualities have to do with the deletion of that very topic? Or will the information presented in it become "true" and be restored if I openly repent, and if not, it will remain deleted? I think I am not the only one who can "see the reason" for the deletion of the topic :)))

The issue is about how topics get deleted, which is what I wrote about (not my ban), while the ban is just a nice addition that you can get in addition to the deleted topic.

P.S. By the way, I got two bans: the first - honestly "earned". when it expired - I was able to log in again. the forum "did not crap", did not write anything and a couple of days ago - again ban. I do not understand what's wrong, tried to figure out what's wrong - all kept quiet. the day after the new ban, delete my topic. causal connections and motives I think are quite obvious ;) or am I wrong again and again that someone is accusing?


I don't intend to contact Service Desk about that topic at all.

and I wasn't going to contact desk service at all on that subject. The 4 is buried and nothing is going to be done there.

Thetopic was written for forum visitors. I shared my "discovery" with them, not with the developers. :))


and I wasn't going to contact desk service at all on that subject. The 4 is buried and nothing is going to be done there.

Thetopic was written for visitors. I shared my "discovery" with them, not with the developers. :))

I mean, Rosh and Renat, here the usual visitors, you seem to have communicated with Rosh at the beginning, I just did not look any further.

SZS: And the fact that the wrong address is all the more so, bought an Audi and went to the showroom Ford's charges to throw.