Warning! Your topic will definitely be deleted if... - page 4


Roman. 26.01.2011 16:40

You know what makes me different from many people present here

I look forward and am not afraid to develop and be self-critical, while many cling to the past and afraid to change things fundamentally.

I don't care if you and I bought a six. It's been 10 years.

You had it tinted, injected, painted, spoilered, covers .....

But no matter how you did it, 6 will still be 6.

I sold it and bought a 10.


For example, there are no smileys, even the simplest forum has smileys.

Note whether there are corrections or deletion of posts and who did it.

He who creates a thread can and delete posts and edit (moderator called), only here saw the name of the topikstarter.

There are a lot of differences between them.

Smiley faces? What are they for? They just give the page a papuga look and distract from the essence of the content. That's what the humor thread is for. This is a dedicated forum. That's why it's valuable. There's a humor thread and other forums for emoticons.

Who made edits and deletes? Why and who needs the information. They deleted, corrected and forgot.

Who created the thread and he moderator? Purpose? To purge the branch of unnecessary responses to the topicstarter? And if the question topikstartera nobody wants? Then who will delete a branch of the topicstarter?


sever30 26.01.2011 16:52

A smiley is a way of communicating emotion or mood.

people become more sociable, considerate and generally respectful and that's not all.....

google it and look at studies of website traffic and psychological aspects.

so you may not need it, no one is forcing you to use it


Roman. 26.01.2011 16:40

You know what makes me different from many people present here

I look forward and am not afraid to develop and be self-critical, while many cling to the past and afraid to change things fundamentally.

I don't care if you and I bought a six. It's been 10 years.

You had it tinted, injected, painted, spoilered, covers .....

But no matter how you did it, 6 will still be 6.

I sold it and bought a 10.

if you don't praise yourself, no one will)

Roman. 26.01.2011 16:40

You know what makes me different from many people present here

I look forward and am not afraid to develop and be self-critical, while many cling to the past and afraid to change things fundamentally.

I don't care if you and I bought a six. It's been 10 years.

You had it tinted, injected, painted, spoilered, covers .....

But no matter how you did it, 6 will still be 6.

I sold it and bought a 10.

That's what I mean - "It's like they say: It's a different way of doing things... Change the Charter or the monastery..."

And the fact that "I look forward and not afraid to develop and refers self-critically, while many cling to the past and afraid to change something radically" - nothing on the forum will not change.

P.S. You don't have to. So everything is great, yes there are branches for emotional relief, yes it is possible to communicate with sane people on "slightly" distracted topics from the main forum topics, in fact we are not robots, but people ... So what of it...

PPS. Good deeds never do good.


abolk 26.01.2011 17:01
for example you are a topic starter (moderator)

I wrote the post as I think you did not like it and you have changed it a little - shortened it. (Marked...), and then they start attacking me why I have not fully explained it,

You can see from the post that it was corrected by the starter and the questions will go to him.

Or someone told a stupid joke and then posted a piece of code, the moderator deleted the joke, but the basic idea remained.

Or I wrote a nonsense, you asked me a question, and I corrected it as if nothing had happened, it turns out you had written a nonsense, and so it will be clear that I made the rules.

There's no topic starter !!!!

There is a moderator who created the thread and monitors its cleanliness and the theme (no one better than him), the moderator and the administration can delete it.


abolk 26.01.2011 17:01
e.g. you are a topic starter

But I wrote the post as I think you did not like it and you changed it a little - shortened it. (Marked...), then they start attacking me why I have not fully explained it,

If you look at the post, you'll see that the starter corrected it and the questions will go to him.

or someone told a stupid joke and then posted a piece of code, the moderator deleted the joke, but the basic idea remains.

There's no topic starter !!!!

There is a moderator who created the thread and monitors its cleanliness and the theme (no one better than him), it can be removed by the moderator of the thread and the administration.

If a thread moderator cannot challenge some of the arguments presented by his opponents, he can delete them, it will lead to a one-sided discussion (the author of the thread will insist on his opinion and have the power to use it in his thread, but power as you know spoils people)

sever30 26.01.2011 16:52

A smiley is a way of communicating emotion or mood.

People become more sociable, more attentive and generally more respectful and that's not all.....


Main emoticons:

:-) Your basic smile

;-) Smile with a wink

:-( Frowning face

:-I Indifferent face

:-> Sarcastic face

>:-> Sarcastic face with a devilish tint

>;-> Same, plus a wink

Smiley faces - changes in nose:

:*) Drunken

:^) With a broken nose

:v) Same, but the other way around

:_) Nose slipped off his/her face

:<) From an Ivy League school

:=) Two noses

:o) Clown

:u) Funny looking nose (left)

:n) Funny looking nose (right)

Smiley faces - eye changes:

%-) Staring at the screen for a very long time

8-) Wearing sunglasses

B-) Wearing sunglasses (could be horn-rims)

O-) Cyclops or wearing a diving mask

.-) One-eyed

, -) Winking one-eyed

g-) Wearing pince-nez (monocle?)

Emoticons - changes in more than 1 character:

|-I Sleeping

|-O Yawning

%-6 Brain melding

|^o Snoring

:,( Crying, but no nose

8-| Disturbed

Emoticons - adding symbols:

::-) Wearing glasses (four-eyes)

B:-) Glasses up on his head

8:-) Little girl

:-)-8 Grown girl

:-{) Mustached

:-#) Bushy mustache

{:-) Wearing a wig

}:-) Wig-wearing wig

:-)~ Fooling around

:-~) Frozen

:'-) Crying with happiness

=:-) Smooth-headed

-:-) Punk

+-:-) Pope

`:-) Head shaved on one side

, :-) Same on the other side

O :-) Angel

C=:-) Chief

*<:-) Wearing a Santa Claus hat

E-:-) Ham radio operator

8 :-) Sorcerer

@-:-) Wearing a turban

[:-] Wearing headphones

:-)) Double chin

>:-) Devil

(:-) Big smile

+:-) Priest

:-)X Wearing a bow tie

Emoticons - minimalism:

:) Standard

:] Merry

:@ Howling

:D Roaring

:I Thinking

:( Sad

:[ Slacker

:O Speaking Loudly

:Q Smoking

Emoticons - mouth changes:

:-[ Vampire

:-E Fanged Vampire

:-F Fang-fanged

:-7 Curved smile

:-* Scowling

:-@ Screaming

:-# Brace-wearing

:-& Speechless; embarrassed; clumsy

:-Q Smoker

:-? Smoking a pipe

:-P Stick out his tongue

:-S Incoherent, incoherent

:-D Loudly laughing

:-X Mouth shut

:-C Slacker

:-/ Skeptic


:-9 Licking his lips

:-0 Don't yell! Also Orator

:-` Spitting (tobacco)

:-1 Normal

:-! Normal

:-$ Mouth wire-bound

:-% Banker

:-q Trying to reach his tongue to his nose

:-a Same, but from the other side

:-e Frustrated

:-t Angry, annoyed

:-i Half-smile

:-] Dummy

:-[ Unsmiling Dummy

:-} Chapped lips or smirk (beard?)

:-{ Mustached

:-j Left smile

:-d Left smile mocking the reader

:-k This is killing me

:-\ Undecided

:-| Duty smile

:-< Sad

:-x Mouth shut

:-c Lazy

:-v Talking head

:-b Stick out tongue

Mixed emoticons:

(-: Left-handed / Left handed

[:] Robot

:-{} Lip-painting

:'-( Crying

<|-) Chinese

<|-( Not understanding such jokes Chinese

-:-( Unsmiling Punk

@= For Nuclear War

(8-o Mr. Bill. (From original Saturday Night Live)

*:o) Bozo the Clown

3:] The Weasel Smile

3:[ Medium Weasel

d8= Beardface with dark glasses and hard hat

(:I Egghead

<:-I Dumbass

K:P A kid with a spinning head

:-: Mutant

X-( Dead

[] Tight Embrace

~~:-( Inflamed; blushing

O |-) Religious

8 :-I Unixa Wizard

>:-I Traveling

3:o[ Clown

8 Infinity

abolk 26.01.2011 17:01
e.g. you are a topic starter (moderator)

I wrote the post as I think you did not like it and you have changed it a little - shortened it. (Marked...), and then they start attacking me why I have not fully explained it,

If you look at the post, you'll see that it was corrected by the starter and the questions will go to him.

Or someone told a stupid joke and then posted a piece of code, the moderator deleted the joke, but the basic idea remained.

Or I wrote a nonsense, you asked me a question, and I corrected it as if nothing had happened, it turns out you had written a nonsense, and so it will be clear that I made the rules.

There's no topic starter !!!!

There is a moderator who created the thread and monitors its cleanliness and the theme (no one better than him), it can be deleted by the moderator of the thread and the administration.

Nonsense. A forum is not defined by pretty colours, but by community. And as for features, the best criteria are simplicity, practicality.

And as for emotions (emoticons), deletions (a mess under the thesis of "self-moderator"), the community is the best doctor.

Again, as you put it "in other more developed forums", so the community determines the development of the forum.

And if the forum is specialized, its development and popularity is determined by a competent, well-timed and responsive community.

And do not find smileys, personal moderation and other useless fun.


some help and fresh air could be gained from this thread... h ttps://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/130024

are there anyone willing to support such a branch? it would be a real help. if you really work in this branch, firstly, "points to work on" will be outlined, and secondly, there will be their implementation. then only the implementation step remains. if all points are described and implemented, the "implementation" point will require much less time to get the final result. this would be "not just talk", but also "real help".