Warning! Your topic will definitely be deleted if... - page 7


Such suggestions would leave five threads on the forum:

1. Warning. Your topic will be deleted if.

2. Spam, spammers and their accomplices...

3. Any newbie question so as not to clutter up the forum...

4. Any questions from pros to super pros...

5. Humour...

This is a forum for programmers (who are into trading )), maybe you haven't noticed, but the threads that programmers create, on a specific issue they have (a problem in writing code or a solution), don't get covered in flub, everything is strictly on the topic of the forum.
A prime example of self-regulation. Plus Avalanche was added.

Victor, I wouldn't be as categorical as you about lasso. Yes, he is a bit flighty and fussy, but you can't say that in the context of this thread ".....withdestroy constructive in the thread." If that is in fact the case and I am not seeing things that are obvious to others, then I am also a flunky in that thread, as I spoke in the same vein as lasso.

I wasn't going to parse his work, much less criticise him as a character. I cited a moderator's subjective impression of his role in the thread. And the impression was that either it was the wrong thing or it was the wrong place.
So I gave a test case. How, who, and how much objectively can determine what in a thread is a flood? There are two of us and there are already two opinions. And come to think of it, we're still more or less coming to agreement on most issues. How many opinions will there be from people of different views from us?
The same applies to sentence eight. I can imagine the branch that VictorArt is defending against the malcontent gang of Lions and Goldsmiths! The theatre of the absurd is resting. Yes Vinin will go crazy, "to determine the objectivity of the claim". And yet one will have to respond to formally correct complaints.
Yes Vinin will go crazy, "to determine the objectivity of the claim". And yet one would have to respond to formally correct complaints.

There is nothing complicated about objectivity. Both are deleted. Both the flooder and the one who complains (so there would be less flooding) :-)

I mean the posts of course.

I did not intend to dissect his work, much less criticise him as a character. I cited the moderator's subjective impression of his role in the thread. And the impression was that it was either the wrong thing or the wrong place.
So I gave a test case. How, who, and how much objectively can determine what in a thread is a flood? There are two of us and there are already two opinions. And come to think of it, we're still more or less coming to agreement on most issues. How many opinions will there be from people of different views from us?
The same applies to sentence eight. I can imagine a branch that VictorArt is defending against the malcontent gang of Lions and Goldsmiths! Yes Vinin will go mad, "to determine the objectivity of the claim". And yet one would have to respond to formally correct complaints.
I agree with you, and understand that moderators aren't able to go into every post in detail and they get caught up in particularly... hmm, expressive posts. However, in this case I felt it necessary to express my opinion in defence of, I emphasise - in this thread, losso.
I agree with you, and I understand that the moderators are not able to go into every post in detail, and they get caught up in particularly... hmm, expressive posts. However, in this case I felt it necessary to express my opinion in defence of, I emphasise - in this thread, losso.

Any grounds for defence?

Is there a basis for the defense?

At least those posts that relate to communicating with me aren't flooding. :)

But sorry, I too have the right to be subjective, as do moderators.

On the subject of the branch - something to do something to sure, sometimes fairly annoying flooders. But I do not have much experience communicating on forums and I probably can not offer anything sensible.


Please advise! How to make, let's say, a new bar opened in hourly timeframe (H) and to read out the time for about 50 minutes. I have heard of Sleep.


Please advise! How to make, let's say, a new bar opened in hourly timeframe (H) and to read out the time for about 50 minutes. I heard about Sleep.

Anton, is this your joke or do you really need an answer?

The question is relevant here: https: //www.mql5.com/ru/forum/131277/page27


Please advise! How to make, let's say, a new bar opened in hourly timeframe (H) and to read out the time for about 50 minutes. I have heard of Sleep.

What is this? Where did you crawl out of with your flooding, respect the forum, read the thread title and posts above carefully - you and your flooding are clearly off-topic here.

Go here, don't see the discussion going on, don't disturb people's conversations.

it's a provocation )