Warning! Your topic will definitely be deleted if... - page 6


Let me, in order to cut off pointless arguments, give the administration's position without explanation, just as boundary conditions. Just don't ask "why?", that's not a question for me.

1. There will be no smiley faces.
2. No right to moderate your own thread (Discussed, rejected. There is limited editing time after the author's nuking of the thread).
3. There will be no division of the forum into topics.
4. Change of engine and related known services will not happen (forum presence, complain button, thank you, etc.)
5. Possibility to edit the content of posts made by other persons from the public moderators (hereinafter referred to as moderators) will not happen.
6. There will be no public sump of deleted posts, but the archive of deleted posts is maintained, to which the parties are referred when sorting the appeal.
7. Creation of extraneous threads such as Humor, Music, and Smoking Room is at moderators' discretion.
8. Creation of specialized, specially moderated threads at moderators' discretion.
9. Removal of the flood from work threads - at the discretion of moderators.
10. Access restriction (ban) - at moderators' reasonable suggestion.
11. Creation of the FAQ by moderators within the technical capabilities of the forum (in agreement with the admins). Still puzzling how to make it not stillborn.

This is within those limits and worth discussing if we are standing our ground and want real improvements.

My suggestion is to maintain the pro branch, strongly advise newcomers to use their branch (in severe cases, force them to), and think about what else can be improved.

Everyone should understand: clicking on the "Add Comment" button is a certain responsibility.


It's actually simple and strictly within limits. Suggestion. Introduce a new eighth rule:

- It is forbidden to post in someone else's thread posts that do not carry valuable information on the thread's topic.

"The value of the information" on the topic is determined directly by the topic starter, and if it's really important to the author, then he culturally asks the flooder to delete his post.

If there is no response to that request, the author goes to the "Spam, spammers and their..." thread - and the moderators get involved.

If the claim is objective, the post is removed, the author of the post ban - 3 days.

What's the problem? I really don't understand - what's the problem??? Who's going to answer?

And it will be easier for you (moderators), since each author will monitor (virtually moderate) their own thread.


Just one line in the rules, and the self-regulation process is set in motion.

In a month you won't recognize the forum....

You'll walk in, and look around in amazement!!!



Everyone should understand: clicking on the "Add Comment" button is a certain responsibility.


It's really quite simple and strictly within limits. Suggestion. Introduce a new eighth rule:

- It is forbidden to post in someone else's thread posts that do not carry valuable information on the thread's topic.

"The value of the information" on the topic is determined directly by the topic-starter, and if it's really important to the author, then he culturally asks the flooder to delete his post.

If there is no response to that request, the author goes to the "Spam, spammers and their..." thread - and the moderators get involved.

If the claim is objective, the post is deleted, the author of the post is banned for 3 days.

What's the problem? I really don't understand - what's the problem??? Who's going to answer?

And it will be easier for you (moderators), since each author will monitor (virtually moderate) their own thread.


Just one line in the rules, and the self-regulation process is set in motion.

In a month you won't recognize the forum....

You will come in, and look back!!!


We can try it without rules for now

We can try it without rules for now
Yes, of course, I suggested, two or three test branches, and see...

Such suggestions would leave five threads on the forum:

1. Warning. Your topic will be deleted if.

2. Spam, spammers and their accomplices...

3. Any newbie question so as not to clutter up the forum...

4. Any questions from pros to super pros...

5. Humour...


Everyone should understand: clicking the "Add Comment" button is a certain responsibility.


It's really quite simple and strictly within limits. Suggestion. Introduce a new eighth rule:

- It is forbidden to post in someone else's thread posts that do not carry valuable information on the thread's topic.

"The value of the information" on the topic is determined directly by the topic starter, and if it's really important to the author, then he culturally asks the flooder to delete his post.

If there is no response to that request, the author goes to the "Spam, spammers and their..." thread - and the moderators get involved.

If the claim is objective, the post is removed, the author of the post ban - 3 days.

What's the problem? I really don't understand - what's the problem??? Who's going to answer?

And it will be easier for you (moderators), since each author will monitor (virtually moderate) their own thread.


Just one line in the rules, and the self-regulation process is set in motion.

In a month you won't recognize the forum....

You'll walk in, and look around in amazement!!!


This is a forum for programmers (who are keen on trading)), maybe you have not noticed, but the threads that are created by programmers on their specific issues (problems in writing code or solutions), do not become covered in rubbish, all strictly on the subject of the forum.

Such suggestions would leave five threads on the forum:

1. Warning. Your topic will be deleted if.

2. Spam, spammers and their accomplices...

3. Any newbie question so as not to clutter up the forum...

4. Any questions from pros to super pros...

5. Humour...

and this, what's her name... Avalanche?
and this what's-her-name... Avalanche?

What without it.

6. Avalanche

Maybe you haven't noticed that programmers create threads that deal with specific issues (code writing or solving problems) without flooding, everything is strictly on the subject of the forum.
Whenever I see you, I dive into your profile... to see what's going on withthe grail. Sanya, what's up with the "grail"?


Test case number one:

As a user and moderator, I consider 90% of the lasso posts in the thread Where's the Line Between Fit... are flooding that has destroyed the constructive nature of the thread. Was there anything I could have done in this case?


Victor, I wouldn't be as categorical as you about lasso. Yes, he is somewhat flighty and fussy, but you can't say that in the context of this thread ".....destroyed the constructive in the thread." If that is in fact true and I am not seeing things obvious to others, then in that thread I too am a flooder, as I spoke in the same vein as lasso.

Whenever I see you, I dive into your profile... ...to see what's up with the grail. Sanya, what's with the "grail"?

look, )))) stopped while, it's creepy.

ZS: On Monday, start again